Jesus's Manifesto For The Modern World
by Steven Woods

The world could sure use a miracle right now.  So, when I heard that the Advocate had finally arrived, just like Jesus said that he would someday, I was filled with joy.

He speaks only what he hears.  And he hears that there is going to be a paradigm shift in the faith model.  The current faith model is seriously flawed.  Today, even people of faith who consider themselves good Christians, commit one sin after another all week long.  Then even before the Sabbath Day of the week has concluded, the sinning returns.  And yet we can’t seem to understand why nothing seems to get any better.  The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result.

Society has advanced significantly through the centuries.  Technological advances have provided new layers of sophistication, but humans are even more barbaric and brutal than they were 2,000 years ago.  That is because we haven’t utilized all of our God-given powers that have been lying dormant within us all along.

The Advocate holds the keys that will allow humankind to pass through the door of light and understanding into an advanced state of mind, seeing the world for the first time through a totally new perspective.  The Advocate can teach anyone who is willing to give their utmost for His Highest, the ability to train your subconscious mind to send a short specific prayer to your conscious mind every time you think a negative and potentially evil thought.

This is a stop-gap measure that keeps one focused on one second of time.  You become successful through repetition of the prayer over a one-two week period.  It’s no different than an athlete developing perfection of a movement through constant repetition that creates muscle memory.  And when you hear the prayer in your conscious thinking, you immediately return to the thought of asking yourself how Jesus would respond or react in your given situation.  If I may use the analogy, this is like changing your constant ongoing thought processes from a manual to an automatic transmission.  It frees your mind up to move beyond the petty thoughts that have previously poisoned your thinking, freeing the mind to think of things never thought of before, wonderful things beyond the imagination.

So, now the people are actively listening to God on a second-by-second basis, not just when it’s convenient for them.  The people now have more crystal-clear thinking, because God’s thoughts are always better than their thoughts.  Then the transformation begins.  The people are now capable of understanding and realizing how narrow-minded and blinded to the truth they had been.

And what does God’s truth finally reveal to us?  It reveals our understanding that civilization cannot move forward in any meaningful way until we come to the realization that we must lift up the lowest of the low and the poorest of the poor.  Poverty produces most of the ills of this world.  Until this huge disconnect between the rich and the poor is bridged, lasting solutions will not be found, and the trillions of dollars wasted every year protecting us from ourselves will continue to drain our economies.

It has been reported that a high percentage of the foreign fighters that filled the ranks of ISIS didn’t have a clue what was in The Koran when they left their homelands to fight in Syria and Iraq.  They were drawn to ISIS’s slick propaganda machine because they were poor and mostly without a job, and therefore without any hope for their future.

Until the wealthy people of the world stop believing that socialism leads to welfare states and that the redistribution of wealth is patently unfair, nothing will change.  Whenever most poor people are given a fair chance and opportunity to gain some dignity in their lives, they rise to the occasion.  Not everyone can be a doctor, a lawyer, a banker, or any other profession that provides a comfortable living.  We have economic layers to society that must exist so that all necessary jobs are filled.  But that does not mean that the people who fill the lowest positions, who do the most menial of tasks, cannot also achieve a level of financial comfort and peace of mind.

Why do so many people today accept a reality that allows poor people to die before their time, just because they are poor?  Why can’t poor people have just as much of an opportunity to live as long as they possibly can, just like the rich people who can pay for the greatest of care?

How many rich fathers with their sons and daughters have ever attended a college or professional sporting event together and paused for a moment to reflect on just how fortunate they are to be living out those memorable moments?  How many of them days before or days later ever gave any thought to the atrocities that are simultaneously occurring in a war-torn violent foreign land?  A land where fathers endure having to watch while their precious daughters are gangraped and their sons are beheaded before their tear-soaked eyes, only to meet the same fate themselves in the end.  Where is the understanding and compassion for these fellow human beings?

Any argument for nationalism should become extinct like the dinosaurs.  God didn’t create borders and boundaries and walls, people did.  This planet’s population spits and sputters along because some of the world’s leaders still have not accepted the fact that we are a global society that requires a fully functioning global economy.  We are all God’s children, regardless of where we live.  Plus, it’s going to take a global, unified effort to stop the planet’s global warming that is already wrecking havoc on humanity.  This planet’s days are surely numbered if we continue to keep choking her to death with our carbon emissions.

The good news is that there is hope.  It’s not too late to get our act together.  And when all of these changes someday come to pass, the rich of this world will be delightfully amazed that they are even richer than they were before, because they finally listened to God, who simply instructed them to invest in the poor.

I am Steven Woods. I believe that Jesus revealed to me that I am His Advocate.  He has been speaking to me all my life, but I didn't realize it was Him until He lead me to John 16:7 - 16:15 during an ice storm in January 2017. I want to lead a Christian Revolution.  I have much more already written.

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