Blessed Goodbye
by LaNaye Perkins

Renea walked into the barn, her expression and eyes clearly showing concern. Fancy, her favorite mare, had taken a nasty fall while chasing the hay truck three days earlier. She didn't know for sure what was wrong with Fancy, but Renea was sure she'd sustained some internal injury. The vet later confirmed her fears. Fancy had damaged her liver and it was failing. At her age the outcome looked grim.

The rest of the herd knew something was wrong with Fancy too. The two young colts, Stormy and Midnight, had always been quite attached to Fancy. She was the alpha mare in the herd and always mothered the young ones. Then there was Thunder, the gentle guardian who always looked over the herd like he was the father of them all. The other mares always showed the utmost respect and affection for Fancy as well. Renea could tell each one was closely watching, knowing instinctively that something was very wrong with their pasture mate.

Fancy whickered when Renea entered the barn. Praying, she asked the Lord to show her what to do in regard to her beloved mare. Fancy walked toward her with unsteady steps and leaned her head against Renea's chest to nuzzle her. The two friends stood there for a long time, looking out over the pasture in the moonlight. It was late but Renea didn't care. She would stay at the barn all night if necessary.

As she stood there, the Lord spoke to her heart and let her know she was going to have to say goodbye to Fancy. Her heart ached at the thought of saying goodbye to such a wonderful horse. She had cared for Fancy over twenty-one years. She'd been a filly her sister had raised and Renea had gotten her when she was three years old. Fancy was a beautiful bay that was full of spirit and gentleness at the same time.

Renea's heart was heavy as she bedded the mare down in her stall. She gave Fancy a hug and a kiss on the forehead before she left to go up to the house.

Lord, I put Fancy in your hands. I know I can trust You to do what is best for her.

It was early the next morning when Renea headed to the barn to let Fancy out of her stall. As she prayed, the Lord let her know that Fancy's time was nearly up.

You know I trust you Lord. Just give me wisdom and strength to do what is right by Fancy.

She opened the stall door and Fancy staggered outside. When she turned to leave, Fancy cut her off before she could duck through the fence. Each time she tried to leave, the mare would block her way. Renea realized that Fancy didn't want her leave so she caressed the mare's shiny coat, ran her fingers through her silky mane, and talked to her old friend. They stood there in the field for a long time. Then, Fancy nuzzled her one last time before walking on unsteady legs out to the pasture.

An hour later Fancy laid down for the last time. She was surrounded by the humans and animals that had loved her, and only thirty yards from the spot she had been born twenty-four years earlier. With a broken heart and tears streaming down her face, Renea sat by her side as she slipped away.

Thank you Lord for letting her passing be so easy. And, I praise you for letting me have such a blessed goodbye.

Each horse in the herd came close and sniffed Fancy's body as if to say good bye. Stormy stood there the longest before gently nuzzling her head. Then, letting out a long sigh he turned and slowly walked away. For nearly a week the herd was subdued. They mourned the loss of Fancy just as the humans did.

Life goes on though, and the herd began to come alive once more. As for Renea, she knew her life had been greatly blessed by the Lord granting her stewardship of such a wonderful mare as Fancy. She chose to continue giving praise to the Lord for having given her such a blessed goodbye.

This is based upon a true story.

From the beginning the Lord let me know I was to share whatever He inspired me to write. Now, over a decade later, I'm still sharing what He's given. 
-LaNaye Perkins

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