A Humble King Upon A Donkey
by Jennifer Champion

"Look, your King is coming to you, gentle, and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden." (Matthew 21:5 HCSB)

Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the back of a lowly and humble little donkey. He, the Son of God, rode in one an animal that wasn't at all grand or majestic. I always think of donkeys as pack animals, carrying massive and heavy loads through the hills of Peru or Mexico. I imagine them on a farm grazing in a pasture with no real purpose. A donkey, however is very special and it is the animal in which Christ wanted to use for the purpose of coming in to Jerusalem. The donkey was chosen specifically by Jesus.

A closer look at the donkey and we can learn much more about this fuzzy little creature. A donkey for example, is often used for sheep herding. They will bond with the sheep and in the event of danger, they will let out a weird noise that alerts the sheep to safety. Is it ironic that Jesus Christ came in on the back of an animal that is used for sheep herding and protection?

Donkeys are also utilized as companions in a stable to nervous horses. They have a calming effect and offer great companionship to a horse during times such as storms. Is it ironic that Christ came in on an animal that can calm and comfort during a scary event like a storm?

Patience is another characteristic of a donkey that is taken advantage of in today's society. Children can be placed alongside a donkey and there is no fear the donkey will harm them. The donkey is patient and kind and children can ride one without fear of rejected and thrown off. Donkeys are often used in programs to assist handicap people because of their patience and loving nature. Is it ironic that Christ came in on the back of an animal that is so patient and loving?

A donkey is a hard worker and taker on of burdens. Their bodies are strong and a person can load a donkey's back with great weight. The donkey will carry the load over and over again because that is its objective. He does not buck in complaint nor sit idle when there is work to do. Is it ironic that Christ came in on an animal that carries such great burdens?

No, to me there is no irony. The little humble and gentle donkey was chosen by Christ because in a way, it is representative of Christ in our lives. Christ herds us and protects us just like the donkey and the sheep. Christ is a friend and comforter during our times of stress. He is patient and kind over and over again even though we fail him daily. He is our carrier of burdens. He took on all our burdens and died for it.

Jennifer Rubino Champion is actively involved in prison and jail ministry in Central and West Alabama. She and her husband Patrick have five children and a fur baby, Maggie. She is an author and artist and you can visit her website at www.jenniferchampion.com

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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