Letter to my future spouse
by Janet Riley

What letter would you write to a future spouse? If you were trusting God for a partner, and had not met that person yet? Here is the letter I would write:

I am a widow. I believe that marriage is permanent, and a lifelong commitment. I want someone with a vision of using their retirement years for Christ. I know that God is real, and cares about our daily lives. I have that personal relationship with Jesus.

I want to be an open and honest communicator. I asked God to pick my first husband for me, and we met at a prayer meeting. He was a man who loved God. We were honest with each other before our marriage about our medical issues and conditions.

He did wind up disabled and I was the primary breadwinner for many years. I loved him for who he was, not if he could work full time at a job or not. Marriage is a permanent commitment to me. And I was with him throughout his illness and passing.

So I want to be honest with you. If I met you in person right now, would you reject me because of my weight? I have always had issues with using food for comfort and eating when I am stressed.

One reason I retired was the stress I had from my job. Now I am walking more, swimming with friends, and exercising, but my weight is still something I am working on.

I believe in both giving and receiving unconditional love. I was honest that I was not the housekeeper or gourmet type before I got married. We ate out a lot and I often hired maids to keep the house clean. I worked full time and did not want to spend all my time off doing housework.

I am admitting to you why I am afraid to meet you in person before I lose more weight. But I have to believe God has the right person for me, and at the right time it will happen.

I did not have children, I am more the aunt type with good visits and treats, etc. than a mother or grandmother type. I don't know how important having children around is to you, or how important having a great cook and housekeeper are. If that is what you want, I am probably not the one for you.

I want to respect you and not waste your time if I am not the type of person you are looking for. I am a lot more interested in your character and your relationship with Jesus than in how much money you make or what possessions you have.

I am asking God to show me what direction He wants my life to take, and where He wants me to serve Him.

I just wanted to share what was on my heart.

(C) Janet Riley, 2014. I know God as a personal God who communicates with us, if we listen. I am starting on a Christian writing career and open to where God leads me. Please review my other articles at FaithWriters. I would like to hear from you. Please email at [email protected].

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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