Kingdom reign
by julie clark

Kingdom reign, kingdom reign
Jesus is reigning from His kingdom above
Don't look to the world to bring his reign in
King Jesus will come and take us home

Don't look at the kings and queens of this world
King Jesus shall reign in new heavens above
He's coming one day to take us home
To his glorious kingdom above

King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Lord quickly let your kingdom come
Your will be done upon this earth
Lord quickly bring your kingdom in

You reign supreme above the earth
You are crowned with majesty
Above every power, above every rule
Almighty Jesus, living one

Kingdoms may rise and kingdoms may fall
But the kingdom of God has no end
One day we will see him as His bride
Run on the clouds, on a white horse He will ride

There will be no where to run, and no where to hide
We will all be changed in the flick of an eye
Then all his people with a mighty cry
Will lift His mighty standard high

i love getting up early and sitting quietly with the lord and the word  before anyone else is up
my website is

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