The End of the World As We Know It?
by Dennis Miranda

ISIS, Ebola, Blood Moons, oh my! From Pastors to politicos, for the past several weeks social media, the news, and churches nationwide have been buzzing over these thought-provoking and oftentimes heart wrenching topics. Each day presents itself with a new crisis and I'm finding myself wondering more and more "Is this the end of the world as we know it?"

When Jesus was speaking to His disciples about end times stuff He used the illustration of the fig tree. He said that when the branches are tender we know that summer is near; likewise we will know how to interpret the signs of the times. I'm paraphrasing of course from Matthew 24:32-33, but since no one can actually predict the hour or the day of Christ's return you may want to read this entire chapter in the context provided in order to gain a better understanding of what we are to expect until then.

Today my sister initiated an interesting dialogue with my older brother and me. What started as a simple question by her in the form of: "What are your thoughts on...?" quickly led into a rich discussion about what's been on my heart as of late. I'm a firm believer that we ought never to be afraid of opening a can of worms for it has the potential of catching many fish. And in this case the first catch of the day started with a discussion about the Nazarene symbol used by the Islamic State to label Christian believers in Iraq whom they are persecuting.

My thoughts on the heinous acts being committed against innocent lives are that it is first and foremost truly an atrocity. I've read plenty of horror stories about what ISIS has been doing and continue to do to those who reject their extremist views; enough to make me weep before the Lord today during one of my regular prayer walks along Pittsburgh's North Shore. As for the Nazarene symbol used by ISIS I believe it's had the opposite effect of what its malevolent originators had initially intended. For the past several months this singular Arabic symbol, pronounced "noonu", has gained world-wide recognition by users all over social media as a way to show support for our persecuted brothers and sisters. When used in this sense I don't believe it to be considered derogatory or offensive anymore, but more so to give rise to awareness and hopefully provide food for thought to inquiring minds regarding this mounting issue.

Now, I'm no expert in Biblical prophecy, but this discussion did stop and make my siblings and I think for a moment of what the Bible had to say concerning the events unfolding around the world as well as what our response as followers of Christ should be. If ever we find ourselves unsure of exactly what we can do as individuals or collectively as a church in support of those who are being oppressed for their Christian beliefs we need look no further than the examples given us by the early church.

In the Book of Acts, before they did anything these faithful followers of The Way would first pray and then wait for God to answer. Check out "The Believer's Prayer" from Acts 4:23-31. Did you notice what this group of disciples primarily prayed for (vv.29-30)? How did God acknowledge and respond to that prayer (v.31)? Later in Acts 12 we discover that the Apostle Peter had been thrown into jail again and although his life was spared, his brother in Christ, James, was not so fortunate. James wound up being killed by the same opposing force that had been harassing Christians in their region (vv.2-5). A sobering reminder that while God never promises us we will escape tyranny unharmed, we must however trust in His sovereignty.

At the risk of sounding like the stereotypical old kook standing on a street corner holding up a sign and shouting: "THE END IS NIGH!" we certainly need to take heed of the warning signs that surround us. For it won't be long before we - that is you, me, and every Bible believing Christian are all eventually victimized for our faith in Jesus Christ. In the meantime we ought to be as alert as watchmen, ready and dressed for service, keeping our lamps burning, and waiting for our Master's much anticipated return (Luke 12:35-40)!

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus (Revelation 22:20).

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Dennis Miranda is a stumbling soul saved by grace, married to his best friend, daddy of three, blogger, and retired Marine. Blog:

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