by Dr. Henderson Ward

This world is in a mess.

No, this is not some inflammatory statement by someone with little interest in world affairs, but rather it is a compelling statement of fact affirmed by every adult, and even children over ten years old that is able to observe and think independently.

Look around and see what I mean.

Israel is pounding innocent civilians to oblivion on the pretext that she is defending herself from Hamas.

America and her allies are pounding innocent civilians in Afghanistan on the pretext that they are pursuing Osama Bin Laden/ AlQueda terrorists.

Boko Haram is wiping out, and in some recent cases raping and kidnapping, thousands of innocent civilians in North East Nigeria in pursuit of their agenda.

ISIS is cutting a bloody path through Syria and Iraq pulverising innocent civilians along the way to further their religion and ideology.

An innocent American is brutally beheaded on camera right before our eyes.

These are just the tip of the iceberg, literally, because according to available information there are currently 62 countries involved in wars and 556 militias/guerillas/separatist groups.

In a sane world, where decency still exists, and where people still call a spade a spade, then there is only one word that is eminently suitable for this; madness.

It is as if Satan, in person, is at the head of an invisible army slaughtering humans in revenge; because he can't get his evil hands on God; who is the object of his venom and spite.

But it is not Satan who is doing this, no, it is human beings like us, and many of the perpetrators are people whom we support, and have armed, at one time or another.

Satan is far more clever than our clueless politicians, and he gets his way by allowing hapless, incompetent politicians think that they are achieving their objectives when all along they are merely furthering Satan's agenda.

Take one case as an example.

Not very long ago the United States wanted to bomb Syria, the United States Congress was begging Obama to do so, the British Parliament was recalled and voted for military action against Syria, and the war drums were beating.

Until Russia stopped them.

You have to go back only a few months to see how the West and the Mainstream Media were beating the war drums and agitating for war until Russia dug her heels in and prevailed.

And then what happened?

Several Western governments armed the Syrian rebels, and created civil strife that took Syria to the brink. They wanted to do to Syria what they did to Iraq and had it not been for Russia they would have succeeded.

So the Syrian rebels got strong, were equipped with modern, high-tech weapons and training and had not it been for Russia's support, Syria would have gone the way of Iraq.

But no man is God, and the West very soon learned that unwarranted interference in people's internal affairs can have unexpected consequences.

The same rebels that the West supported, funded, trained and armed, have now come together as ISIS (Islamic State in Syria) and they are more terrible than AlQueda.

The United States is now engaged in a full scale bombing campaign against ISIS, the very group they helped create to fight against the Syrian government.

I reiterate my opening sentence; this world is in a mess.

So what are believers to make of all this?

Believers should be comforted, not by being oblivious to the horrors they see, but by the unfolding and fulfillment of the word of God just as the Bible tells us. These are the last days.

There is no true peace in the world, there can only be a cessation of hostilities, which last for a short time, and then recommences. True peace is found in Christ, a lasting peace, a settled peace and Jesus referred to it like this, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27)

Your friend of today, as America found out when it trained Osama Bin Laden to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, and when it trained and armed ISIS to fight the Assad Government in Syria, can so easily become your enemy of tomorrow.

This idea of regime change, that the West loves so passionately, has done inestimable harm to the cause of peace and progress in the world. If you have to fight and kill to impose a system that people do not want, then that is ample evidence that your system is undesirable.

True regime change comes from God. We know this to be so and the Bible declares, "But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another." (Psalm 75:7)

Believers should stop supporting their government's attempts to enforce their ideology on people who choose to live differently.

Believers have a great deal of power, but they are not effecting change the way they should because they are not doing much about the situation.

First, we need to pray that God's will be done

Too many believers put allegiance to their government above their commitment to God. I am a firm believer in patriotism, but patriotism has its limits. It can never be right, when there is a conflict between what my government is doing and what my God tells me is right, for me to take the side of the government. Never. Politicians are never driven by God's will but by their ideological and financial agendas. Believers need to be Spirit-led and decipher the truth for themselves. Remember the Lord's Prayer, "...thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10)

Second, we need to let our voices be heard

Prayers are often not enough, although it is vital to most situations. The Bible tells us, "...that men ought always to pray, and not to faint" (Luke 18:1) but it does not say that is all that we should do.

Believers need to engage the talking heads, the phone-ins, the blogs, write letters, raise your voice, sign petitions, bombard your representative, join marches and protest. Lots of wrong things are being done in our name and we must not accept that willy-nilly.

Third, we need to contribute financially to help others

These are difficult times financially for most people, but when you hear of the horrors taking place then do something meaningful to assist the victims.

How many of us give some money to the Red Cross, or to the United Nations appeals for assistance. How many churches have funds set aside for this purpose, or make appeals as occasion demands?

Get involved by word and by deed because as believers, we are our brother's keeper and Jesus highly commends this kind of involvement, "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." (Matthew 25:40)

Evil is destroying this world and it brings with it darkness and repression. God expects believers to do the right thing until he comes, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

Enough said.

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Dr. Henderson Ward received his Doctor of Divinity in theology, with distinction, from Masters International School of Divinity, USA, where he is currently a post-doctoral fellow. Dr. Ward's career involved pastoring, evangelism, and teaching. Copyright 2017

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