A Morning Talk With Jesus
by Donny Wright

Do you ever talk with Jesus? No, I mean do your ever really talk with Jesus...have a conversation with him with both of you asking questions and answering each other? This morning I felt a special need to talk with my friend Jesus. And so this is what happened.

I began my meditation time by synchronizing my breath with my heartbeat and soon I was feeling balanced. As I continued to breathe I began praying the words on the inhalation, "Lord Jesus help me understand" and on the exhalation I prayed, "Your mercy and grace". I silently said these words over and over again for about 5 minutes with some variations. And then I prayed "Jesus come sit with me this morning" over and over again.

Soon I could feel his presence coming closer and closer to me. And then he was standing in front of me saying "What's up".
I said, "You know my every thought and feeling. You know when I awake and when I sleep. You know how I worry sometimes when others talk badly about me and want to harm me." He just looked at me and sat down beside me. It was like 2 guys hanging out together, not talking much, just staring at the ground.

Then he said, "Do you want to honor me or use me." I got the feeling he was talking about me not being so close to him except for the times when I was really hurting or when I really needed him. I said, "Lord, I want to honor you by always doing what you want me to do". Then I started telling him how much I had improved and how I was not sinning in some ways that I used to. I realized he already knew this but wanted me to talk it out with him. He then said, "I'm always here for you, are you always here for me?"

He's very good at doing that...at cutting to the core of the problem. I looked at him and asked, "How do I deal with others who speak badly of me and want to harm me?" He looked at the ground and said, "You know the answer to that." I started thinking of the verses where he says to turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and forgive them 490 times. Then he said, "I use those people to bring you closer to me. The more you stay with me the less power they have over you. If you are with me, then you have my power."

Now I understand. How cool is that?

And how cool is it to stand up and hug your best friend first thing in the morning. Thank you Jesus.

Today I pray, Lord may the time I stop and be still in order to be with you become more and more. May I listen to your words and understand that you are my Creator and, unlike Satan, I want to stay with you forever and ever. Amen

Copyright 2013 Donny Wright PhD

Donny is a writer, businessman and father.  His writings reflect a sense of help and hope for the struggling seekers.

You may purchase his book, "Thirty Days To Ponder:  Spiritual Inspirations For A Positive Life" from www.createspace.com or email him at [email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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