Outside are the Dogs
by Wade Nye

Revelation 22: 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magical arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

We see a scripture that gives a list of those who will not make it inside the gates of the New Jerusalem. Basically these have been left out of Jesus' rewards. At the top of the list is dogs.
Dogs in the context of the Bible usually are described literally and allegorically as vomit eaters, wound lickers, prostitutes, consumers of dead bodies, drinkers of human blood, trampler's and destroyers of what is Holy to God.

The dogs in this passage are not actually dogs. They are living breathing human beings. In this article we will study the nature of these dogs at heaven's gates.
To begin our search we are drawn to the negative aspects of a dog's nature. Since sinners are written about in the balance of the passage the mind drifts towards wild mongrels. Snarling and attacking rivals and innocents alike. Sniffing and putting their noses where they are not supposed to. Eating anything no matter how unclean it is. Not being dedicated to one mate but ravaging and allowing themselves to be ravaged.

But mongrels would be a description of unbelievers. The book of Revelation is not written to unbelievers (wild dogs). It was written to the church (Revelation 1:19, 22:16) SO THE DOGS DESCRIBED HERE ARE DOMESTICATED CONDITIONED TO A FORM OF GODLINESS.This type of person would be found today in the church amongst belivers.

Wild dogs would be brute beasts animals with no master. Driven by their own needs, wants and hungers. But the dogs in this scripture made it to the gates of the New Jerusalem but could not enter. They followed others to the very walls of God's holy city. Assumed to be a fellow child of God. But they had done or became something that disqualified them from entering the gates of rest and reward.

Since Jesus is speaking here He is dividing into 2 groups those who have followed him. One group are children who obey and are attentive to his voice. The others were pretenders allowed in the family but were excluded from the inheritance. Both groups have made it all the way to the pearly gates with Him. Some will enter but others will remain on the outside.

This is an often repeated theme in the Bible. Both Esau and Jacob were born into the promise yet only one got the inheritance. Both sheep and goats are acceptable sacrifices. But in the end only one will be acceptable (Matthew 25:31).Both sets of virgins were following the bridegroom but the foolish were excluded. At one point Jesus had many disciples but when they heard His teaching on the flesh most left Him (John 6:66). So the sinners in 22:15 called themselves Christ followers but were excluded from entering His reward.

Matthew 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

So what were these dogs in 22:15 and how to the correlate with people today in the church? How did they become domesticated? Are they a major hindrance in the church? Can they be used by God?


James 3:7 For every nature of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of the rest, is tamed, and hath been tamed, by the nature of man:

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

John 10:12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it.

These people have been trained in mind and in body to do spiritual things. The training has come by 4 major sources.

1.Since the family was designed by God many times the dogs in the church are conditioned by a strong family. Trained by an authoritarian father and submissive wise mother and obedient siblings. These dealings prior to joining the family of God in many instances will create in a person a strong form of Godliness. Not that spiritual people need to come from a dysfunctional family but that coming from a strong family environment can at times promote a righteousness apart from Christ and a strong sense of moral superiority.

2.Through their own mimicking what they see in regenerated people's behavior,deeds and speech. They also learn much from mistakes that have been made by others. This includes instruction, rewards and discipline from church leadership.

3.Through self-discipline and practice and physical obedience to the letter of the Bible. As they adhere to the Bible they do so usually within the guidelines of their denomination's doctrine.

4.Through God's limited dealings with them. Although God seeks to exclusively deal with His children. For His divine purposes he can deal with any man in any fashion He desires. This includes physical and mental. These dealings include reward, leadings, instruction and discipline.

These people described as dogs that have never been regenerated. They have never fully committed themselves to Christ. They have accepted various parts and stages of the Christian walk but have refused to progress.

They are not a new creature they have not allowed the flesh (sinful nature) to be nailed to the cross. Whatever can be gained short of the death of their flesh they accept from Christ and the Holy Spirit and painful discipline or pruning is not allowed to accomplish its full work in them.
Rather than see the death of their flesh and a new creation come forward, they have been tamed and trained by their dealings with the family of God and it's instructions. They have also tamed themselves both by mimicking what they see amongst believers, what they hear preached in the church and even by what they read in the word of God. They have been trained and conditioned but have never received sonship and cannot in truth say Abba Father.


A dog is trained by 4 basic techniques

1.Reward: When a snack is given to a dog if he does something that the master is pleased with the dog learns to repeat it on queue or even when he knows the master is approaching. Likewise a person controlled by the flesh is likely to follow in a similar pattern. They obey God not because of a loving relationship or a promise of a future hope. They do it seeking an immediate reward. This reward can take many forms promotion, recognition, financial gain, healing, deliverance from trouble even spiritual experiences. So this person is not driven by faith and a future hope but by the benefits and comforts of this life.

2.Pattern of reward: When a trainer gives a reward to dog he will attach a signal to it such as a whistle or clicker. So when the signal is sounded the dog performs desired task. Likewise a person who is driven by the flesh will fall into strange patterns because of past rewards or pleasurable experiences. Usually these involve vain repetition. Some examples of this are. Repeating the same prayers and worship patterns over and over again. Sitting in the same seats even feeling disconnected from God when they have to sit in another chair. Not being able connect with God if certain songs are not played. Being resistant to changes in church ceremony of decorum.

3.Discipline or discomfort: When a dog is disciplined by a swat or a yank on the leash or denial of a favorite food or being restrained or locked away, They will learn not to follow negative behavior patterns. Similarly a person whose mind is controlled by the flesh will stop following negative behavior patterns either because of what others will think of them, negative natural consequences or even discipline by God by covenant (either old or new). This is a similar pattern followed by religious communities such as Jews, Muslims and Neo-Judaized religions such as the Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses. These same patterns are found in every Christian Church.

4.Pattern of discipline or discomfort: When a dog is disciplined or experiences discomfort he will begin to notice a pattern that goes with it. When a trip to the vet or airplane trip is planned he will react to the noise of a dog carrier being moved. When a bath is planned he will react to running water or the scent of dog soap. So a person who is has a mind of flesh will avoid things that bring discomfort. Intense Continuous Prayer, Fasting, and being in loving fellowship with difficult people are avoided as these types of activities bring all types of sifting and testing and attacks.


How is it that these type of people continue and even flourish in the church today. It is because many physical duties are still important in the church. A physical laziness is common among more spiritual members creating a vacuum. These dogs are willing to fill that vacuum.

Also people the Bible describesdas dogs are not being tried and tested by the Holy Spirit and are not fighting spiritual battles as people who are living by the Spirit. The church also has many dealings with the outside world and these people described as dogs are shrewder in their dealings with the outside world because they still operate under the system of this world (Luke 16:8).

Pastors and church leadership are attracted to obedience even though they realize that these people are not spiritual they are so beaten up by weakness within the church.

Submission to Authority: Dogs in the wild run in groups called packs. These packs are held together by fear of authority within the pack so it is part of a dog's nature to be submissive to leadership. Bowing low and cowering at the sight of leadership. So dog's in the church are obedient and submissive to authority figures in the church. But the root of this submission is not rooted in Christ as is required by the Bible but is rooted in fear of punishment or loss of recognition, position or reward. This type of submission to authority is more in line with the kingdom of Satan.

Talent: Dogs have more endurance are faster, quicker, see better, hear better and have a better sense of smell than humans. Pound for pound they are also stronger. Through training the can perform many amazing chores, tasks, tricks and stunts. So dogs in the church are often talented in the natural. They can be superior in speech, singing, playing of instruments and have strength and endurance that exceeds others at displaying these talents. These talents and strengths create a physical dependence by church leadership on these persons causing a ministry to run on human power.

Guilt and Fear: Domestic dogs are trained to be housebroken. If a housebroken dog later makes a mess he will take on a certain type of guilt, head bowed, body lowered to the ground even rolled to submission, yawning in grief, even weeping at times. Similarly while many others in the congregation are giving leadership grief, the dogs even if they make a mistake will many times be more contrite and willing to fix the wrongs they or even others have made. This is done not because of sorrow and a wish for a change but because of fear of discipline or loss of reward.

Faithfulness: A domesticated dog will always be there ready to walk with you wherever you go. He will be there crying when you leave, jumping for joy when you come home. As is a person who has trained their flesh to act spiritual. They are usually the first to come to church and the last to leave. As one who is spiritually bankrupt they must compensate a physical dedication that adhere to the patterns of this world. They endear themselves and make themselves useful to church leadership. Or in some cases they are the leadership that endears themselves to the congregation with physical duties that serve the flock.
Protection: A dog always watches the boundaries of his and his families domicile to protect it its contents, inhabitants and structure from invaders and the elements. Many instances of dogs dragging its owners to safety in cases of fire and flood or other dangers. Many police dogs have laid down their lives to protect its fellow officers and even innocents. Who knows how many lives have been saved and how many billions in property have been preserved by the barking dog. In the same way are those in the church who obey the flesh will always be protective of their group or leadership. They are willing to lay down their own lives to protect their group from physical harm. But they are powerless against the church's true and only enemy satan. If the church is under satanic attack the dogs will be the first to scamper with tails between their legs.

Work: Dogs are tireless in their duties. When a dog is on the trail for its quarry it will not stop until pulled off by the master or finding it or meeting death by exhaustion. So are those dogs in the church they will work tirelessly on projects such as BBQs, Picnics, Fairs, Concerts and useless meetings. Distracting others from fruit producing spiritual duties. They are single minded in their tasks.

Loyalty: Dogs will attach themselves to groups and individuals and will stay close to and defend them whether right or wrong. In the church when others attempt to bring correction dogs will defend their cause and deflect correction and render it useless whenever possible.

Self-Sacrifice: Dogs are willing to die to save their master and their pack. In the church dogs are willing to lay down their reputations and their entire beings and all of there flesh for their cause. But they are always unwilling to lay down their flesh in a spiritual battle. They will show up on time for a tough staff meeting but will always flee an extended prayer meeting.


Galatians 5:19-21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

John 3:6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.

2 Timothy 2:20 Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also vessels of wood and of earthenware, and some to honor and some to dishonor.

Matthew 7:18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.

Acts 6:3 Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them.

Vessel of Dishonor: God uses both types of vessels. But he will not use a dishonorable vessel for honorable purposes. If a dog is used to lead a ministry what he touches will not give birth to spirit but will give birth to the manifestations of the flesh. Christ will still receive glory. But, when this occurs his paths are no longer made straight. Dogs are unclean animals when they are used in spiritual duties such as teaching, worship and leadership God's will can be delayed and even at times hemmed in the church.

Fruit Bearing: Only people who are filled Holy Spirit and have allowed their passions to be crucified can bear lasting spiritual fruit. It doesn't matter about their physical attributes. They can be loyal, obedient, good tithers always on time etc. But if they are not children born of the spirit no good fruit will be born. Spiritual reproduction will either be hindered or will not occur at all. This one of the reasons that we see a decrease in the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the church today. The physical obedience's of a servant are continually chosen over His spiritual attributes.

Reproduction: Like weeds vs wheat dogs are masters of reproduction. If a dog is put in a spiritual position or given authority in the church, they will drive out, hem in or change the thinking of those that are spiritual or have the potential to be spiritual. They will surround themselves with or promote the growth of those who follow like pathways.

Spiritually Defenseless: Although a dog will always be ready for any emotional, physical or mental battle they are completely spiritually defenseless. Dogs always react to prolonged discomfort. They will always flee an uncomfortable situation or position. No matter how much training a dogs has he will not lay down on a bed of nails. Facing hunger or thirst he will flee or even attack his own. So dogs in the church cannot and will never understand a spiritual battle. They will always flee or devour others when the enemy attacks. They wrestle against flesh and blood but are helpless against principalities and powers.

Nature of the Flesh: No matter how well trained a dog is he will eventually return to his natural self when under pressure. So people in the church who are dogs will return to their old nature turning on leadership when they see prolonged weakness, biting and devouring other members, putting their noses into unclean things, showing a lack of self-control and bringing all of the manifestations of the flesh into the church.


I have seen the same mistake committed over and over in the church. Pastors move up unspiritual dogs and promote their advancement.

1.To create allies for themselves to balance out those staff members who resist or question them.

2.Because they have physical and mental talents that are attractive to others and grow membership under the guise of reaching the lost.

3.To secure their membership in the church so they do not wander to another ministry.

4.As a reward, because the dogs have been loyal to them. For standing by them through difficult situations.

5.To try to promote loyalty and a protective attitude in other staff members. Hoping that they will see the progress in spiritual servants and hope to reproduce these traits in them.

6.To fill the void left by more spiritual servants who are lazy or have fallen weak in their duties.

So as Christians and as church leaders how do we deal with people who are dogs that may be servants or on the staff of a church?

I do not think that a servant who is unspiritual should be removed by the hand of man unless the Holy Spirit directs it. It must be confirmed by several church leaders.

If a minister or church leader feels that he has made a mistake and brought a large quantity of dogs on staff that can be easily remedied by corporate prayer. A mandatory staff prayer meeting should be instituted once a week all staff should attend including all leadership.

For smaller ministries each staff member must pray audibly so the others can agree. In larger ministries a meeting can be broken up into smaller groups. If a staff member is unable to pray audibly they should be lovingly asked to step away from their duties and return to being congregation members. If they miss 3 prayer meetings without cause they need to step down for 30 days but must continue attending staff prayer meetings. When they return to duty if they miss one prayer meeting they should be asked to return to congregation status.

They may return at to staff prayer meetings at any point to be reconsidered and show that they are ready to be restored to their duties.

With this pattern of continuous corporate prayer you will see a removal or conversion of 65-80% of dogs on a church's staff. Dogs avoid corporate prayer because it brings a pattern of discipline and dealings by the Holy Spirit they will either be led by the Holy Spirit to sonship and bear the cross of discipleship or flee the battle. The consequences of this will be that the church may lose some of it's most dedicated staff members.

If you are in church leadership you may also find yourself under the discipline of the Holy Spirit which can be difficult. But the ability of the church to bear good lasting fruit will be restored.

Congregation should not be required to bear the burden of prayer but be invited to attend. Dogs who are congregation members should never be removed the wheat and the tares are always allowed to grow together. It is up to God to do the cultivation.

W.M. Nye
Sunday School Teacher & son of Missionary/Pastor
[email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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