The Countdown . . . .
by Ethel Ashe-Frear Hmmm, I thought to myself, "Whatever happened to that article?" I was trying to remember why I had not written a separate article on the book "Bible Codes II: The Countdown," by Michael Drosnin. Then, it occurred to me, the beginning of the book seemed complicated and I began flipping through it at the time. I scribbled my thoughts on paper. I remember at the time, I was frightened and then concerned. I thought the information it was too explosive to share with others. I never published that particular article. Waking up with complete clarity on May 15, 2011 Sunday morning, I had an awareness I needed to get the article out of my file and finish it. I understood the answer to my personal question five years ago. The challenge is to incorporate what I knew in 2006 with what I now know in 2011. Michael Drosnin shares part of his life in the introduction. Not a religious man he does not believe in God. He could not imagine how a code in the Bible would reveal events 3000 years ago. From his years of experience and research believes the Bible code is real. That was my question as well when I read his first book, "The Bible Code." How could codes have been written in Old Testament centuries ago? My personal answer is anything impossible for God? For more information on the Bible Codes read: Previously, while scanning his first book "The Bible Code" - I came to page 99, my eye caught the words, 'Sealed before God.' I didn't ask a particular question, I was thinking it . . . what I heard next startled me. The Lord said to me, "There are several different codes in the Bible." When I flipped to page 134, I heard, "This is a valid code, one of many." * * * * The book cover of "BIBLE CODE II: The Countdown," was intriguing. Written across the bottom of the jacket cover I read - twin, towers, and airplane. I had again flipped through this book, read the information, and placed it on my bookshelf where it had sat for five years - until today, May 15th and pulled it from my shelf. I have a particular habit of flipping thorough books just to get the drift of what it's about. I came to page 235, thinking to myself, "Why am I reading this now?" It was June 18, 2006, 4:15 p.m. to be exact. I wrote the date and time on the page. I heard a word from the Lord - "Because it's near!" Again I heard, "The time is near." I placed it back on the shelf and left the article half written. This was critical information I did not want to deal with at this time and this is why the article was never finished. Today, I went back to review the pages I marked. When I turned to page 234 it stated, "One man with a weapon in a backpack could destroy the center of any city." The last paragraph mentions, if a nuclear bomb exploded everyone in the vicinity would be killed. I flipped back to page 233 - Michael Drosnin mentions that bin Laden had tried to buy nuclear weapons and said Al Qaeda might have constructed a dirty bomb. Using the Bible codes discovered by the famous Israeli mathematician Dr. Eliyahu Rips and colleague Dr. Alexander Rotenberg, Drosnin mapped out a time scenario. Recently, I recalled reading in "Bible Code III," Chapter Two - "Nuclear Terror" - on page 21, "Bible Code" appeared with "Bin Laden" and "atomic" and stated an exact time frame of the danger "starting 2006 and ending 2011." For additional insight on this issue read: Do I have any answers, any other thoughts, and any suggestions? Unfortunately no, just an overwhelming awareness that we need to know what will happen next and be ready. * * * * The Bible Code, Bible Code III, Michael Drosnin Bible Code Bombshell, R. Edwin Sherman The Mysterious Bible Codes, Grant R. Jeffrey Cracking the Bible Code, Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. 'Unconventional Nuclear Weapons' Graduate - Baptist Institute for Christian Workers, Bryn Mawr, PA; NRI McGraw-Hill Center for Writing, Washington, D.C. Studied only Wesley Seminary, D.C. & Asbury Theological Seminary, Orlando, FL (2 yrs). Completed on-line course Jewish Seminary, N.Y. Past student - The Christian Writers Guild. Article Source: |
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