First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage?
by Abby Kelly

Last weekend Patrick and I participated in a marriage retreat called Strong Bonds. True confession, as this blog is entirely about, it was emotionally difficult for me. Sometimes, I feel as if I'm mulit-lingual in the languages of love and that my hubby hasn't even learned to sound out words. [That's my pride talking, a subject I'm am constantly re-submitting to the Lord.]

We are learning, or I should say, I am learning, how to communicate. Wouldn't you think that the girl who can't shut-up would have this communication thing figured out?

As you all know from reading here, Patrick and I have been through some major mud, over towering hurdles and through the lowest of valleys. And actually, our sustenance has been, the trick to all of this is, learning to believe in God's LOVE for us, both corporately and individually. Because when God's love become progressively more real, we cannot help but see His reflection in each other and personally glow with His radiance.

Consider this nugget from C.S. Lewis' book, "The Screwtape Letters":

"The humans are to be encouraged to regard as the basis for marriage a highly-colored and distorted version of something the Enemy really promises as its result."

Do you see that? Kinda makes you think for a second, doesn't it? In a generation that wants legal marriage for all and at the same time argues for no-fault divorce, it's pretty obvious that humans believe love is the foundation for marriage. But what if that's not as God intended?

Perhaps, and it seems evident in the Garden of Eden, marriage, oneness - is the foundation, the fertile ground for love.

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