The 10 Commandments Of Finding True Love
by Pastor QT Nyathi #1. Thou shalt search according to the Book, not playboy magazines. Remember, God started this love business, not Hollywood. So use His solid reliable rule book as a compass, not Tinseltown's hollow unreliable publications. #2. Thou shalt not bring old garbage into a new love hunt. Dragging in stinking old relationships into a new partner-search spoils your love broth. Let bygones be bygones. #3. Thou shalt search using the inside-out approach. Inner enduring qualities keep a relationship (and marriage) not fleeting outward qualities. Don't let broad shoulders or sexy curves derail your love quest. #4. Thou shalt search for a human being, not an angel. Look for a mature person not a perfect human being without blemish. Even among the celestial beings class there were some angels that sinned. #5. Thou shalt not search aimlessly without any clear standards to guide thee. If you aim at nothing you'll hit it every time. Have clear and specific spiritual, social, and physical requirements to direct your search. #6. Thou shalt search leisurely. Don't rush your love search otherwise you'll crash head first. Take your time; this one decision with affect the rest of your life like no other. #7. Thou shalt search for commitment not chemistry. Commitment, not chemistry, makes an enduring relationship. Unions based on good chemistry only blow up as the chemical composition heats up due to the pressures of life. #8. Thou shalt not spurn good old counsel. Double check your intentions with advice from trusted mentors around you. Be humble enough to listen objectively and accept the naked truth. #9. Thou shalt not be obsessed with dudes or damsels. If you become too preoccupied with eligible bachelors or spinsters you'll attract love predators. Prioritize your relationship with Jesus instead as He'll always be there for you. #10. Thou shalt seek divine assistance in thy search. Don't forget that God wants you to meet that special person. In fact He is busy engineering circumstances in order to hook you up, so stay in touch with Him. Pastor QT is a published author, copywriter and speaker. His sincerity, wit and candid style have endeared him to many hearts. His book DELIVERANCE UNPACKED has been warmly received globally. He conducts spicy marriage and singles seminars with his feisty wife Bonani. Article Source: |
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