Prioritizing your Christianity and Christian life in marriage
by eHarmony Marriage

God is happy when two Christians join their lives and commit themselves, and their marriage, to Him. Christianity, Christian life, and marriage all go together as priorities for two spiritual people who follow the Lord. Here are some suggestions to help you prioritize your Christianity and Christian life in marriage.

Christian marriage commitments:
Christian Marriage Commitment #1: Commit to praying together

St. Paul exhorts us to "pray without ceasing." This of course applies to all of us as individuals, but it should also be a main concern of your Christian marriage. Your Christianity offers you access to the power of God, so harness that power and set up a protective prayer coverage around your Christian marriage.

Christian Marriage Commitment #2: Commit to personal growth
Christian life and marriage are dependent on each individual's pursuit of spiritual growth. The closer each of you comes to becoming who God has created you to be, the closer you'll move toward each other, and of course toward the Lord.

Christian Marriage Commitment #3: Commit to your emotional relationship
A Christian marriage is just like any relationship; it takes work to maintain it. Communication, trust, commitment, fidelity, respect: all of these are absolutely required to maintain emotional intimacy and to deepen the connection between you. Work hard at strengthening your emotional bond, and you'll reap rewards in the depth of your Christian marriage.

Christian Marriage Commitment #4: Commit to your sexual relationship
As a Christian married couple, your physical intimacy is a very important part of your relationship. God created you in such a way that you're each able to receive bodily pleasure from your mate, and to give it in return. So be generous with each other in this facet of your relationship, and know that God smiles on you as you deepen the physical connection within your Christian marriage.

Christian Marriage Commitment #5: Commit to having fun together
Maintain the joy in your Christian marriage by finding frequent opportunities to laugh together. To go on dates. To call each other with funny stories. To talk deeply about yourselves and further get to know each other as friends. The more you can enjoy your time together, the stronger the bonds between you will grow, allowing your spirits to join so that your Christian marriage can go places you wouldn't have dreamed possible.

Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott are codirectors of the Center for Relationship Development at Seattle Pacific University (SPU), a groundbreaking program dedicated to teaching the basics of good relationships. eHarmony Marriage

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