The Essence of Celebrations in Marriage
by Anthony Osei Boateng Celebrations entail, acknowledging a present happy moment or bringing back to memory past happy or relevant moments in a joyful manner. God gave the Israelites, many events to celebrate. The essence of this was to prevent them from forgetting what God had done for them. In Ex. 10:9 Moses answered, "We will go with our young and old, with our sons and daughters, and with our flocks and herds, because we are to celebrate a festival to the Lord" (NIV). Apart from remembering and acknowledging what God had done for them, these celebrations enabled them to teach the younger generations, who also taught other generations, the wonderful things which God had done for them. It is very important as Christians to remember, date and celebrate God's goodness in our lives. Many couples are used to celebrating mainstream celebrations such as anniversaries, Valentine's Day, birthdays, etc. They tend to forget the spiritually inclined celebrations which they have to undertake. These celebrations in spiritual oneness have the ability to ignite strong love and passion between the couple. Christian couples should date and celebrate the time when they invited God to be the head of their union and also record and celebrate the miracles which God has done in their lives as a couple. As they do these frequently, it will create a special bond between them and further enhance their oneness. Celebrating God's goodness is also a form of worship and an avenue to give thanks, praises and show appreciation to God for what He has done. It shows how much we are pleased with God's work in our lives. This has a reward of opening many doorways to further blessings in our lives. Deut. 16:15 states: "for seven days celebrate the festival to the Lord your God at the place the Lord will choose. For the Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete (NIV). One big secret to unlocking blessings in marriage is through celebrations and also continually appreciating God's goodness in your relationship and family. May God give us the Spirit of unending joy and help us to live a life of celebration, in Jesus' name Amen. Anthony Osei Boateng is a PhD researcher, writer, pianist, singer, motivational speaker and teacher with publications on many websites and many magazines worldwide. His passion lies in e-evangelism. Please send feedback and messages to my Page titled Anthony Osei Boateng Article Source: |
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