You Know
by Steve Countryman

You know me Father better than I know myself, you know. You know my failures, faults and flaws but still love me, you know. You know my weaknesses that you are made strong in, you know. You know when I get distracted by sinful arrogance and end up losing my way from your path how you always help me find my way back, you know. You know all my needs before I even ask and you answer my prayers when I call, you know. You know when I'm down, depressed, worried and discouraged that you shower me with blessings and tell me "don't be afraid", you know. You know the plans you have to prosper me and not harm me, you know. You know exactly what spiritual blessings and giftings I need to step out in that brings you glory, you know. You know that you chose me before time began for a place and time such as this, you know. You know that my destiny is in you and for your glory, you know. You know when I am uncertain and confused that all I have to do is trust in you, you know. You know when I am filled with anger and say or do the wrong things you through the Holy Spirit let me know what I should have done, you know.

You know how much I love you because you always show me how much you love me, you know. You know how I feel like a failure when I miss an opportunity to step out and show your love to others who need your touch you let me know there are more opportunities, you know. You know how you blow me away when you reveal certain scriptures and spiritual truths to me, you know. You know when I feel uneasy, nervous and this side of panicked how you flood my spirit with your joy, peace and contentment you know. You know when I look at my past and see the mistakes I have done you show me your blessings that I have overlooked, you know. You know how upset I get with myself for missing your blessings because of doubt or fear how you remind me how far you have brought me, you know. You know just the right scriptures to show me in your Word that boosts my faith and trust in you, you know. You know that when I see myself with my weaknesses and mistakes causes me to wonder why you picked me, you know. You know how you see your seed of Jesus in me that is magnified in my weaknesses you see the person that I will be and you are well pleased with me, you know.

You know when I think that I'm in over my head because you have shown me lots of spiritual truths that's when you tell me just to trust in you and you will lead me into and through ALL spiritual truths and blessings, you know. You know that I desire to feed on the meat of your Word and leave the milk behind that is when you show me where I need to walk in your spiritual truths regularly, you know. You know I have learned that life isn't all about me but about decisions I make that allows you to work through me that brings you glory, you know. You know when I pray it sounds like I'm complaining by repeating my previous prayers you remind me of the parable of the widow and the unjust judge, you know. You know how you have taught me to love the sinner but hate the sin and how that is how your church is to be, you know. You know how amazed I am at the work you have done in, with, to, for and through me that I see you in it and in me, you know. You know how desperate I am for all of you in all of me everyday, you know. You heavenly Father know all things and know what is best for your children if we will only trust in you then we will witness your power and authority through us, you know!!

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