by Dana Chaffin

Standing Firm is now available on dvd wherever Christian movies are sold and at This is a powerful story of dealing with the loss of a loved one and realizing God's comfort. The story shows how even in our suffering God is there to strengthen us and show His love through others. The story behind the movie is just as touching as the cast and crew suffered numerous losses during production and had to live out the movie's message. One of the actresses says it best, "what impressed me most is the hearts of everyone in this movie.
Standing Firm is the story of David, (Rob Reisman) losing his wife Jen (Debra Prohaska) in a tragic accident. He blames God for taking his wife and turns away from the church she so loved. Now he is struggling to pay the bills and the family home is threatened with foreclosure. He is working nonstop and it is affecting his relationship with their only son, Steven (Eric Stevenson). Steven, like his mother is a Christian and he is trying to help his father find God's peace in their tragedy. With the help of his best friend, Maggie (Maggie Whitton) the fight continues to save David and their home. The movies message is that just because someone becomes a Christian does not mean their life will be perfect. The Bible even tells us that we will have troubles, but the difference is that we are not alone in our troubles, God is with us. We have the promise that even though this human body may die, it is not the end. This powerful story can remind us of that and in some cases tell someone that message for the first time.
Standing Firm was produced on a small budget; however the quality of this film does not indicate that at all. The film and the production company, Praise Pictures, started when Co-writer/Producer Kevin Michael watched Flywheel and Facing the Giants from Sherwood Productions. He thought they are just regular guys from a church making movies, we can do that. His thought was a lot of people would not go to a church or a rally, but they will go see a movie and this is a good medium to share the Gospel. Kevin is a special education teacher for the Niagara Falls School District and serves as Chairman of the elders at Niagara Falls Bible Church (NFBC). So with the help from Kyle Prohaska, Co-writer/Producer/Director/Director of Photography, they set out with high expectations. Kyle is Director of Media Productions at NFBC. Kyle and Kevin had a lot to get ready: the script, cast, crew, funds, etc. Where would it all come from? Kyle says "It couldn't have been made without the Lord and the directions and all the doors He kicked open for us to even do this." It took a lot of hard work, commitment, volunteers, and prayers, but after over a year and a half the film was ready. It is not Hollywood in any way, it is way better!
Standing Firm is proof that a Christian movie can be extremely high quality on a small budget. And the message in this film is outstanding and relatable to everyone. The dedication and humbleness of the entire cast and crew on this film are inspiring.
In the words of the producer, "To God be the glory!"

Dana Chaffin is a Christian freelance writer and editor of Certain Cinema magazine who has published many articles on and other Christian websites.  Passionate about Christian film. Email [email protected]

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