Wanted! True Leaders, Fewer Rulers
by Gray Eagle

There go the people. I must follow them for I am their leader. Alexandre Ledru-Rollin
(A dictionary of quotations (Barnes & Noble, 1993), p. 194.)

Please know that neither Grayeagle nor SIMPLY THEOLOGY is here to press any political agenda. Our goal is to edify fellow human beings, and, hopefully to glorify our God.

That does not mean, we sit here with our heads in the sand and ignore all the political activities that surround us. Americans (indeed the world) are bombarded with constant news (some true much false) about politics and politicians.

While the euphoria of Mr. Obama's election in 2008 was more than intriguing to me, all the political hype leading up to that election fascinated me more than I have ever been politically. People like Mr. Edwards, Mrs. Palin, Mr. McCain, and of course Mrs. Clinton, and others all fighting with everything within them to wear the coveted crown, Leader Of the Free World.

I'm no spring chicken, so I admit I've watched one or two (hmm), elections come and go, but I have never seen one that drove as much passion and fervor as this one. Not just in America, but also across the world those pretended to not be concerned, secretly cheered, and booed. America, and the world found their Leader in Mr. Obama, and everyone who names the Name of Christ are Divinely commanded to pray for him daily.

This is now more than two years after the election, and America, and world are still looking for that leader that one person who can fulfill the need of the world who desperately needs to be served.

Two years into Mr. Obama's election, and so help me, I find it difficult to imagine too many other Presidents who have had the struggles and tribulations that this man has had may God Himself help him the people are still clamoring for a leader to step forth.

Why the constant cry for a leader of the people? Well, truthfully, there are some who are fighting a political battle, and others who, in their mind's, are fighting an uppity Black man battle (trust and old Indian), that will never go away; and of course a lot of the unrest is coming from the foundation. By that I mean, federal leaders, state leaders, all the way down to the community leaders.
You see, our spirits understand the principle of a leader, but that concept of a leader has come under the control of what I call the world's trinity or secular trinity. What's the world's trinity? It is greed, power, and sexual licentiousness, and certainly not in that order. It is what makes us want to be the boss to be in command. Now, don't put words in my mouth, I didn't say that I believe that every person who enters politics does so to become "the boss." Besides that, authority is intrinsic to leadership. With one comes the other and there is nothing wrong with having authority, it is how you yield the instrument that counts.

Most would-be leaders begin well, by doing things within neighborhoods, or whole communities. They have a sense of caring, and seeing a need they willingly fulfill it. That is Divine, and in many cases, that is where we get our leaders begin.

I learned this early in my life. I knew an ordinary man who was the absolute leader within the local church to which we belonged. I wondered why him? Bill certainly was not highly educated, rich, or even a powerful man, but whenever anyone had a question, no one went to the pastor, but to Bill. He would think about it, and give his decision, and the pastor had no problem with it. Did Bill act like a "big-shot?" No, but he was the leader in that place.
I watched him carefully, as he put up folding chairs while everyone stood around and talked or watched. I saw him get the push broom and sweep after almost everyone left a church dinner. If the door greeter didn't show up that Sunday, Bill stood there and opened the door. There was nothing to low or too high, that Bill would not do, and he never seemed to want any praise. I don't think anyone ever thought to give him any praise. The church went along smoothly for years, and Bill was elected as Chairman of the Board year after year. There was always some growth, not much, but it certainly wasn't stagnant like so many other churches were.

One day, in came a new pastor, and in came trouble. The pastor's schooling was impressive, and he had a number of courses on Leadership. The first lesson the pastor had learned was that the pastor was the head of the church under Christ. No one seemed to have a problem with that. However, the new pastor interpreted that lesson as meaning, HE WAS THE BOSS, and leaders arise through competition. He, who wins, has the right to rule and the battle was on.

Well, you can pretty much tell just how long this pastor stayed at this church. Unfortunately, just long enough to do a tremendous amount of damage. This principle holds true in your office and, I will go so far as to say, probably anywhere but in secular politics, because secular politics is corrupted through and through by the world trinity.

Had that pastor come into the church, identified who the congregation saw as their leader, and then worked with him or her, emulated that person (who was only acting like Christ), he would have in time, become the leader.

A true leader never abuses nor idly dictates. A true leader never has clean hands (in the sense of non-work). A true leader is always the first to the stove, and the last in line to eat. He/she is a true shepherd and those around him/her are their sheep. He/she will make sure those they lead have what they need BEFORE him or her that's a loved and successful, leader.

Again, I AM NOT POLITICAL, but one can't ignore politics if you are talking about leaders and leadership. Here's a perfect example of someone who is NOT a leader: A governor, Senator, etc., let's say, who cuts the wages of all the state employees, but not his or her own salary. A corporate CEO or Chairperson whose company stocks are falling, the corporation is in trouble, yet he or she accepts millions of dollars in salary. Perhaps they also insist on a corporate jet. On the other hand, the backbone of the corporation, the hourly worker, gets no raise this year due to bad stocks. Anyone with any intelligence can see, these may talk and dress like a leader, but they are a wolf in sheep's clothing. A true leader will never send a worker home and continue to collect his or her own salary. There's no leadership in that only self-greed.

It is true that with leadership comes authority, and that authority is always to care for those who thought you were worthy of that position, not the person who is actually "buying you off." Being "bought off" is so obvious, I can't imagine anyone accepting the gift.

A leader is always a servant of the people, and never greater than those they are leading. Read the quote of Alexandre Ledru-Rollin at the top one more time, and think about it. Does your heart yearn to lead? Then begin to follow, the poor, the ill, those who are laid-off, and on and on and on. When you become their servant, they will definitely make you their leader.

If you have any questions or comments concerning this article, please contact Dr. Grayeagle, Th.D. directly. Dr. Grayeagle is open to theological/religious FREELANCE offers. His contact information is located at simpletheology dot com. Dr. Grayeagle is a  Lenape American Indian.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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