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Christian Apologetics
When Two Halves Make A Hole
by Nellie Shani
Whether you are single, happily married, unhappily married, divorced or planning to divorce, my prayer is that the next step you take after will be towards the kind of marriage that God intended for you. Marriage is His idea and only He has the blueprint for how it works.
Dealing With Idolatry
by Nellie Shani
God warned the Israelites that one of the sins that would bring curses and dire consequences cascading down four generations was the sin of idolatry The worshiping of other gods.
The Sins of The Fathers
by Nellie Shani
There is an old adage that says, "Like father, like son." It can be quite amusing to see a two year old wearing his father''s oversized shoes and trying to walk in them. The smile is quickly wiped off our faces, when we see a young man who has become an alcoholic just like his father!
When Our Way is Not The Way
by Nellie Shani
"When Moses was forty years old, he decided to visit his fellow Israelites. He saw one of them being mistreated by an Egyptian, so he went to his defense and avenged him by killing the Egyptian" (Acts 7:23-24). Moses'' method of rescuing his people was by killing the Egyptians!
Finding Purpose in Life
by Nellie Shani
I believe that a life without purpose is the greatest human tragedy. A wise man once said, "Do not waste your pains and your sorrows; learn all you can from them." How true that is. The only thing worse than suffering is to learn nothing from it! Even suffering has a purpose if we learn something valuable from it.
Sin: From the First Step to the Worst Step
by Robert Driskell
Too many people, including Christian, flirt with sin and temptation without taking into consideration the danger they put themselves into by this kind of activity.
by Fergus Davar
The key to success according to the world is - believing in yourself. However there is a twist to this i.e. a divine revelation in contrast to what the world sees as ground reality.
If Christians Can't Get Along...Who Can? Conclusion
by Robert Driskell
Final installment of this series.
If Christians Can't Get Along...Who Can? Part 2
by Robert Driskell
More concerning Christians getting along with other Christians
The Most Important Investigation
Summary of an investigation of Christianity from a police officer's perspective. Why being a Christian is "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt".
If Christians Can't Get Along...Who Can? Part 1
by Robert Driskell
Christians, filled with the love of God, should be able to get along...right?
Witnesses to the World
by Robert Driskell
How we live as Christians affects our witness.
Can The American Dream Survive Without God
by Robert Driskell
Is there an "American Dream" is we leave God out of our lives?
Is Jesus God--What Does the Scripture Say?
by william kovacic
This article deals with Biblical proof that Jesus Christ is equal with God he Father in every way.
God pleasing faith
by Fergus Davar
What is it to have faith that pleases God?
What makes a "good Christian" or a "good atheist"?
by James Barringer
Either way, the implication of this argument is clear: Christianity isn't better than any other religion, because plenty of Christians do violent and unethical things. Christianity's system of ethics isn't morally superior to anyone else's. How would you respond to such an accusation?
Does God Create Evil?
by Cory Tucholski
Many critics of Christianity use Isaiah 45:7 to prove that God is the author of evil. However, there are many reasons to prefer the modern rendering of "calamity" over "evil" (with all due respect to the venerable King James Version).
Faith, Healing, and Skepticism
by James Barringer
Does prayer actually help to heal people faster and more effectively? Some scientific studies suggest yes while others suggest no. It's dishonest to accept the ones that confirm what we already believe, and reject the ones that we already disagree with - so how do we handle this issue with intellectual and spiritual integrity?
Atheism, Christianity, and the Tragedy in Norway
by Robert Driskell
Atheists say that belief in Christianity caused the horrible deaths in Norway. Is there any truth behind that scenario?
Should Christians Sue Atheists Too?
by Robert Driskell
Atheists are quick to exploit legal muscle when something gets on their nerves. Should Christians respond the same way when something gets under our skin?
Do Atheists Fear The Cross?
by Robert Driskell
Atheists spend a lot of time and energy trying to disprove something they don't believe exists. Why do they do this?
Jesus' Two Natures Explained
by Gregory John Monroe
Christ Jesus, God, came to earth in the nature that is condemned: sinful flesh. By this action, He became the head of a new humanity.
Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
by Robert Driskell
Some who claim to be Christians are only out to fleece the flock. Knowing Jesus better will keep us from falling into error.
God's Will and the Laws of the Land
by Robert Driskell
When God's will and man's law clash, we must obey God rather than man.
The Fallacy of "Separation of Church and State" more time.
by Robert Driskell
Atheists often submit that the law says that there must be a "separation of church and state", but there is no such law...really.
How Will Jesus Help Me During My Suffering -- His Faithfulness
by Bobby Bruno
Jesus Christ's faithfulness during our suffering gives us the great hope that He will be with us until the very end -- Heaven.
The Faith Healer and the Skeptic
by Robert Driskell
The skeptic uses the faith healer's failures as reason to disbelieve in God. What is the Christian to make of that?
Why God Doesn't Just Do Miracles All The Time For Everyone?
by Greg Baker
If God would simply do miracles all the time for everyone, then there would be no question of His existence. Wouldn't everyone be a believer? However, there is a very good reason why God doesn't do miracles all the time for everyone.
Why Must Marriage Be Between One Man And One Woman?
by James Barringer
It's critically important that we have a good answer to that question. If someone says "Why does God say that marriage has to be heterosexual," and our only response is "That's just the way it is," it makes God look silly and arbitrary, like he has nothing better to do than hand down rules with no good reason behind them. "Homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone," people will protest, "so why can't I do whatever I want as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else?" Answering "Because God says so" is less than satisfying. Isn't it about time that we learn why exactly God laid down this commandment, and why it's so important to him?
Jesus' 3 Days and Nights in the Grave Doesn't Add Up
by Gregory John Monroe
Why is it that Jesus' time in the tomb doesn't line up with His 3 day/night prediction? The answer is in His words.
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