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Christian Living


  1. No Password to Praise by Tonja Taylor  
    The LORD gave me this phrase a few days ago, and He reminded me of it again just now. We don't need a password to open up praise to the LORD; we just need to open our mouths and praise Him. The praise IS the password to His Presence!

  2. Just Say It! by Tonja Taylor  
    "Just sayin'" has been an expression many have used the past few years. However, if you will just say it--The Word--then you'll be investing the time and power of your words wisely, to change your life for good!

  3. The Power of Sound--To Hurt or Heal by Tonja Taylor  
    God created the world with sound--words. He gave us the power and freedom to use sounds, especially words, to change things.

  4. Don't Judge God by What People Do! by Tonja Taylor  
    Every true Believer--and those who are really seeking how to be true Believers--wants to see Christ, in true Believers! But when we judge God by us fallible humans, we can get a wrong picture of Him.

  5. God Will Provide All These Things by Dudley Anderson  
    âYour source is Godâs riches in glory in Christ Jesus. You are his little one and he knows that you need all these things.â

  6. Pouting, Or Parting? by Tonja Taylor  
    To everything there is a season, Solomon said (Ecclesiastes 3). In this new season, prepare for change--sometimes surprisingly so!

  7. An Eagle Shot Down But Rising Again--Stronger and Higher Now! by Tonja Taylor  
    Many are familiar with the myth of the phoenix, that rises from the ashes. However, we true Believers are eagle Christians, and when we get shot down, we remember that our true Life is in the Spirit of God, the Living Word, the LORD Jesus Christ!

  8. Hold On--It Will Get Better! by Tonja Taylor  
    When it seems that life keeps being negative, dragging on, with no end in sight, know that the Master of Everything, the LORD Jesus Christ Who loves you and gave His life for you, will come through! Hold on!

  9. Thanksgiving Therapy by Tonja Taylor  
    Being thankful sounds so simple, but it can be hard in challenging circumstances. It's cheap and effective therapy! However, once we develop the habit, it is easier, and when we choose to be thankful, we can get the victory much sooner!

  10. Trusting Father in difficult seasons by Lorraine Taylor  
    When we find ourselves pressed beyond human capacity, the way of faith is the necessary unwavering absolute surrender of that 'thing' and wanted outcome to the father's forever covenant promises and faithfulness to enable and empower us in, by and through his unmeasurable Grace.

  11. RELATIONSHIP IS EVERYTHING! by linzy bruno  
    "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." (John 10:27)

  12. When You're Kicked in the Gut by Tonja Taylor  
    When those closest to you--spouse, children, spiritual leaders--betray you, it's the spirit of trauma trying to take you out. But King Jesus is the trauma Master!

  13. External Religion by Ken Barnes  
    The Lordâs greatest condemnation is for people who have an outward faÃade of religion but lack an inward heart transformation.

  14. The Love of Daddy God is Our Victory! by Tonja Taylor  
    The true victory is the agape Love of God--no strings attached. What a truly awesome thing to be adopted as His children, through the faith (which HE gives us!) by the pure blood of Christ shed for us on the cross over 2,000 years ago! Hallelujah! Here is one of my visions and one of my songs about that.

  15. How Are You Spending Your Wealth? by Tonja Taylor  
    "Wealth" is much more than finances, although they are included. All the true wealth is in Jesus the Christ!

  16. God Needs the Gifts in You! by Tonja Taylor  
    The LORD gives each Believer in Him at least one gift, and He has chosen to need our gifts to help accomplish His perfect Plan in the earth! Hallelujah!

  17. Christ, or Crisis? by Tonja Taylor  
    We all want peace. It is only found in Christ. When we draw closer to the LORD and learn His ways, we have much more of crisis-free Heaven on earth!

  18. Are You Carnal or Spiritual? by Tonja Taylor  
    We want to be like Jesus, Who is the Holy Spirit of God, Who is perfect in all His ways. It is a continual cleansing process, but here are a couple of ways to test yourself; to see if your decision is carnal ("the flesh"--from the mind/will/emotions), or spiritual (directed by God).

  19. A Successful Preacher by Ken Barnes  
    Keys to the preaching of John the Baptist may have been humility of character and the simplicity of his message.

  20. Soul Dance (excerpt): Redirecting Your Thoughts by Tonja Taylor  
    How do you truly redirect your thoughts, when things just keep coming to mind that you don't want to think of?

  21. Service and the Cross by Ken Barnes  
    Jesus' disciples were a needy bunch who the Lord pointed to a life of service epitomized by the Cross as the solution for their needs.

  22. CHRISTIAN VS HALLOWEEN by Lupie Riley  
    What are Christians to do with Halloween? Here's some options.

  23. CHRISTIANS VS HALLOWEEN by Lupie Riley  
    What's a Christian going to do with Halloween?

  24. Psalm Something (excerpt): Joy This Morning From Psalm 30 by Tonja Taylor  
    This second excerpt from my book, PSALM SOMETHING, talks about the New Day that we are truly already in. Darkness has been too prevalent--and seems so in the world, but for us in the Kingdom of Light, it is in deed JOY THIS MORNING!

  25. Sowing in Tears Reaping in Joy by Ken Barnes  
    Our tears are like seeds we plant that will lead to joyful shouting.

  26. Speedily by Olawale Ogunsola  
    What is worth doing is worth doing well and also on time. This is because it doesn't take long before it will become late.

  27. His Counsel for Your Move by Dudley Anderson  
    âHeed the counsel of the Lord your God in your life decisions. Only a fool would bulldoze his way forward without seeking God every step of the way.â

  28. IT'S IN THE DETAILS by Jeffrey Hagan  
    This article will be taking a look at the remarkable providence of God as it is found in every detail of life in the book of Esther.

  29. Good and Bad times by Ken Barnes  
    Into the lives of every Christian will come times of peacefulness and calamity. The God of the universe is sovereign over the good and bad times in our lives.

  30. The Law of Sowing and Reaping by Ken Barnes  
    Just as there are two types of sowing, there are two kinds of reaping. One sort of sowing leads to death, and the other to eternal life.


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