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Womens Interest


  1. The Small Things by Patty Wysong  
    Thinking I was being called to prayer for someone, I left my sleeping husband and learned God was trying to get my attention about some unfinished business that was tripping me up.

  2. Breaking the homosexual mentality in the lives of women. by Donya Gilmore  
    Our mentalities play a powerful part in how we act and think. Find out in this life-changing article if you are thinking like women who believe "I don't need or want a man!"

  3. BE A WOMAN ! by Donya Gilmore  
    Do you really understand what it means to be a woman, a real woman of God? This article will challenge and reestablish your concept of who God created you to be.

  4. Voices from the Womb by Katherine Kimbley  
    How do we recognize God's voice? Is it possible that we have heard it before, without recognizing that it belonged to Him? I think so.

  5. Jesus My Healer by Cori Mann  
    Jesus speaks even when we sleep. He can meet you even in your dreams.

  6. Luscious Fruit of the Vine by Rhonda Clark  
    Missing lipstick, two likely culprits, will this mystery be solved?

  7. Rediscovering the Proverb 31 Woman - Clothed in Strength and Dignity by Ameerah Lewis  
    Feel caught between the woman's movement and the Word of God? Find out why the term "Strong Christian Woman" is not an oxymoron like some may think.

  8. The Eyes in the Mirror by Cheri Hardaway  
    Sarah stared at the stranger in the mirror. What happened to the future she'd envisioned for herself as a young girl? Journey with her as she discovers her true value and purpose in life through the eyes of her heavenly Father.

  9. Baby Blues by Sharlyn Guthrie  
    What new mother hasn't faced her responsibility with a few doubts and fears? Read this mothers' humorous, irrational, musings, and applications on faith.

  10. Filling the Empty Nest by Jacquelyn Horne  
    When the children grow up and leave home it leaves a void in many women's lives. God wants us to fill that void with service to the kingdom.

  11. The Secret Garden by Victoria Tkachuk  
    God has never given me what I thought I deserved, but rather what He knew I secretly longed for.

  12. Shattered and Alone by Stacey Thaeler  
    Based on John 8:3-11, this is a beautiful story of the mix of Jesus' justice and compassion. Because we know his compassion flows from everything that is right, we willingly fling ourselves at His feet. In repentance, submission, and love we learn from Him.

  13. THE ONLY WAY OUT by Suellen Fry  
    This story is about a single mom who lost her job. Behind in her bills ,she panicked. So..she took what she thought was her only way out. What she found out was...there was more than one way out.

  14. When You're Not Enough by   
    I will never be enough - because only my God is enough.

  15. A Most Unique Fashion Show by Marilyn Schnepp  
    God's Spring Fashion Show for Earthlings

  16. Good Morning World, I've Arrived by Marilyn Schnepp  
    The way one enters this world....and not by way of Stork Airlines either.

  17. Desires Redeemed by Al Boyce  
    A Christian romance

  18. How Women Can Manage Their Fearful Thoughts by Stan Popovich  
    There are times when people encounter fearful thoughts that can be difficult to manage. For some women, the more they try to get rid of the thoughts, the more difficult they become to manage. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a woman can use to help manage her fearful and obsessive thoughts

  19. Women Should Use The Help Of God To Manage Their Fears by Stan Popovich  
    Sometimes, your fears may overwhelm you to the point that you feel like giving up. When this happens, the next step is to put your faith in God. Using the help of God can make a big difference in overcoming your fears, anxieties, and depression.

  20. How Women Can Handle Their Depression by Stan Popovich  
    Some people have a difficult time in managing their depression. Sometimes, their depression and fears can get best of them. As a result, here is a short list of techniques that a woman can use to help manage her depression.

  21. A Woman's Inner Beauty by Thelma Smith  
    Our inner beauty is from God. We have His love, compassion, power and heart within us.

  22. A Mum for all Seasons. by hazel moodley  
    Motherhood . A shift from bearing to rearing.

  23. IT'S ME LORD....MAGDALENA by Suellen Fry  
    As I reflected on my life I thanked God for all his majestic healing and for my deliverance from he bars of my bondage.

  24. lost forever? by Robbie White  
    It's not the dirty little secret you think it is. It's doubtful it's a secret at all.

  25. P is for Perseverance by Chrissi Ellankoon  
    Living in a society of instant fixes and instant results, perseverance is slowly getting squeezed out of our character. It almost seems that there is no place for perseverance or that perseverance is somehow becoming redundant, or is it?

  26. Are You Thinking Heaven? by Britta Stones  
    The focus of our minds can have a profound effect on our outlook on life and our walk with the Lord. So what should we be filling our minds with?

  27. A Woman's Toolbox by Cassie Memmer  
    What is it that most women carry that helps them cope with every need? A purse! This poem illustrates how a woman totes her toolbox to meet the needs of her family.

  28. Destiny's Call by Dr. Sharon Schuetz  
    Queen Esther was a woman of destiny. She served her generation in her time and place in history. We too can be women of destiny by embracing God's plan and grab our destiny.

  29. A Few Leaves Turn into a Pile by Victoria Tkachuk  
    My Mother taught me how to appreciate a woman's work and it's a lesson never forgotten.

  30. Beauty is Fleeting by Kathie Thomas  
    Blessed is the man who seeks a Proverbs 31 woman to marry.


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