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Why Love Is a Choice, Not an Emotion
by Karla Downing
Why is love a choice and not an emotion? Because the emotional component of love isn't consistent. For a relationship to be solid, there has to be consistency. Choosing to love means one will choose actions that demonstrate love regardless of the emotion that is felt.
What to Do If You're a Victim of Domestic Violence - 5 Sources of Help
by Karla Downing
If you are a victim of domestic violence, you need to get help. There are five sources of help available that you should consider, each offering different types of help.
Kirk Cameron under fire for Christian beliefs about homosexuality Part 2
by Wendy B McLain
Time is running out and we along with Kirk Cameron must stay in prayer for those who are opposed to the Gospel of Christ. His kingdom is quickly approaching and we must speak the truth in love to those who are blind to it.
Kirk Cameron under fire for Christian beliefs about homosexuality Part 1
by Wendy B McLain
Recently, Kirk Cameron came under fire for speaking out on the destructive and harmful practice of homosexuality. This world's hatred of 'biblically correct' and love of 'politically correct' is abounding more and more.
by Paul Curtis
I knew this time would come
by Paul Curtis
Though some thought her unworldly
I thought she was cute
I think not being wise in the ways of the world
by Paul Curtis
Happiness was the harbinger
Of my doom
by Paul Curtis
Sibilant whisperings
Greeted me
by Paul Curtis
You are truly beautiful
But beauty is only skin deep
by Paul Curtis
Let me surround you
Like a benign spirit
by Paul Curtis
I want to stir the slumber
by Paul Curtis
Full moon, white as Lily
by Paul Curtis
It was in the spring
Beneath the canopy of oak boughs
Where you kissed me for the first time
10 Steps To Build Quality Relationship That Will Enhance Your Success Story
by Ngozi Nwoke
What effect does your present relationship have on your success story? No relationship leaves you the same way: it builds you up or destroys you, determines your failure or success in life. Therefore, it is very vital that you know how to build quality relationship. This article aims to equip you with basic but adequate knowledge on how to do just that.
Christians And Divorce: Six Myths About The Effects of Divorce On Adult Children
by Karla Downing
Christians have a divorce rate roughly equal to non-Christians. They also share the same six myths about the effects of divorce on adult children. Most people know that divorce has a huge impact on minor children but not everyone realizes that adult children are also significantly affected. Here are the six myths...
Christian Codependency: Four Beliefs That Prevent You From Nurturing Yourself
by Karla Downing
Most of us don't do well with nurturing ourselves. We are experts at taking care of others' needs and ignoring our own needs. Some of this self-neglect comes from four Christian codependency beliefs that prevent you from nurturing yourself...
Christian Codependency: Four Things That Will Make You Enjoy Your Life
by Karla Downing
Are you feeling overwhelmed with the pressures, stresses, and demands of life? Christian codependency will rob you of the ability to enjoy your life by keeping you overwhelmed, stressed, unable to say no, and unwilling to take care of yourself, because it convinces you that you have no choice but to push harder and do more. Ecclesiastes 5:18 says, "It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work under the sun" (NLT). Here are four things you can do that will make you enjoy your life...
Who Is Your Friend?
by Olawale Ogunsola
Everyone needs a lasting relationship.Among mankind,there are disappointments,mistrusts and misdeeds that breaks relatioships.Yet,there is someone you can start one with today that may never end, if you do not break it.
Christian Friendship: Four Myths About Loneliness
by Karla Downing
Are you struggling with knowing how to use Christian friendship to overcome loneliness? Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says: "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble." (NLT) It isn't good to be alone, but it is also unnecessary when it is because you believe these four myths about loneliness...
Christian Friendship: Five Things You Simply Must Do To End Loneliness
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian friendship because you feel lonely? "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble" (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, NLT). Feeling lonely is indeed a reminder that one is at a disadvantage being alone. If you are struggling with being alone, there are five things you simply must do to end loneliness...
Christian Relationship Help: Five Keys to Overcome Jealousy
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian relationship help to overcome jealousy? Proverbs 27:4 says: "Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy? Jealousy is indeed a strong emotion that infects and affects a relationship. You need to deal with your jealousy and not let it hurt your relationships. You can do this by using these five keys to overcoming jealousy...
When Does a Relationship Qualify As Abusive? What Are Boundaries That Must Not Be Crossed
by Karla Downing
When does a relationship qualify as abusive? One of the ways to answer that question is to look at boundaries that must never be crossed. Boundaries are intended to protect you as a valued person in a relationship. There are five boundaries that abusive people violate because they do not see you as a separate person with rights...
How to Be a Good Christian Wife
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for guidance on how to be a good Christian wife? If so, here are seven things you simply must do.
signs relationship needs professional help, christian marriage help, marital therapy, relationships
by Karla Downing
Relationships aren't easy and all relationships have rough spots, disagreements, and adjustments. That said, there are times you need to get help to work things out. Here are seven signs your relationship needs professional help...
Christian Relationship Help: Is God Punishing You For Your Bad Relationship Choices?
by Karla Downing
If you are looking for Christian relationship help, this article will help you answer the question: Is God punishing you for your bad relationship choices? There are common Scriptural misunderstandings about relationships that result in Christians making unhealthy choices in relationships. These misunderstandings come from our families, church teachings, other Christians, and our own personal beliefs. In addition, we also tend to have rigid black and white interpretations of selected Scriptures. One of these is the belief that God punishes us for our wrong choices in our relationships.
Does Christian Submission Mean Being Controlled?
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian marriage help to answer the question: Doesn submission mean being controlled? Whenever a woman tells me she is struggling with submission in her marriage, I suspect a difficult marriage. The question is typically phrased as "Do I have to submit to my husband no matter what he asks me to do or am I allowed to say no?" In difficult marriages, submission is taken literally and often used abusively by a spouse to control and manipulate.
6 Scriptural Misunderstandings of Christian Codependency
by Karla Downing
The following 6 Scriptural misunderstandings form the basis of Christian codependency. They show how inaccurate Scriptural understandings contribute to Christian codependency. The cure is an accurate understanding of what the Bible says about ourselves and how we are to value ourselves compared to others in relationships. Here are the 6 Scriptural misunderstandings...
6 Scriptural Misbeliefs of Christian Codependency
by Karla Downing
The following 6 Scriptural misbeliefs form the basis of Christian codependency. They show how inaccurate Scriptural beliefs contribute to codependent choices. The cure is an accurate understanding of what the Bible says about ourselves and how we are to value ourselves compared to others in relationships. Here are the 6 Scriptural beliefs...
Christian Marriage Help: How Do You Respect Your Husband When He Does Things You Don't Respect?
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian marriage help to understand the biblical teaching to respect your husband (Ephesians 5:33)? Here are some questions behind the question: How do you respect your husband when he does things you don't respect?
What Makes Codependency Qualify As Christian Codependency?
by Karla Downing
What would make codependency qualify as "Christian codependency?" It is when the justification for the codependent behavior comes from a belief that God wants you to be codependent. The following five Scriptures are commonly used as a justification for Christian codependency...
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