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  1. Christian Relationship Help: Five Characteristics of a Narcissist by Karla Downing  
    This Christian relationship help will enable you to recognize five characteristics of a narcissist. Narcissism is difficult to deal with in relationships and recognizing it will enable you to respond differently to it. Jesus was constantly aware of what was in the heart of the people he dealt with. He knew when people were willing to hurt him, when people were insincere, when people were manipulating him, and when people were pretending. You need to know who you are dealing with so you can respond in a way that is wise.

  2. Christian Codependency: How to Recognize Burnout by Karla Downing  
    Are you looking for Christian codependency help that will enable you to recognize burnout? "Burnout" occurs when you have pushed yourself too far for too long (usually because you believe you have no other choice and God wants you to), and as a result you find yourself emotionally, physically, spiritually, and/or relationally spent. It is important to know how to recognize burnout so you can make adjustments before there are long-term negative consequences to your ministry, job, business, body, or relationships. Here are the signs...

  3. Christian Codependency: Keeping the Peace in Unhealthy Ways by Karla Downing  
    Is your Christian codependency resulting in you keeping the peace in unhealthy ways? Here is a biblical example of someone who tried to keep the peace by covering up and fixing a problem codependently and as a result, it later escalated and caused more hurt and fallout...

  4. Christian Codependency: Keeping the Peace in Unhealthy Ways by Karla Downing  
    Is your Christian codependency resulting in you keeping the peace in unhealthy ways? Here is a biblical example of someone who tried to keep the peace by covering up and fixing a problem codependently and as a result, it later escalated and caused more hurt and fallout...

  5. Christian Relationship Help: What to Do With Five Common Alcoholic Dilemmas by Karla Downing  
    This Christian relationship help will tell you what to do with five common alcoholic dilemmas. When someone you care about drinks, you naturally want to make him/her stop. Drinking isn't good for the person or your relationship. People who care about a drinker can get too caught up in rescuing, fixing, or controlling the problem and in doing so lose the ability to make wise choices for their own lives. Here are the five dilemmas...

  6. Setting Boundaries With Your Adult Children The Way God Sets Boundaries With His Children by Karla Downing  
    Christians aren't the only people who need boundaries--everyone does--but when setting boundaries, Christians want to feel assured that the choices they are making are pleasing to God and biblically based. Knowing how God sets boundaries with you as his child helps you know how to set boundaries with your adult children.

  7. God's Charge Against You by Olawale Ogunsola  
    To maintain a relationship,there is the need to settle any difference lovingly and amicably. It is a matter of understanding,if two shall move together. So it is with our relationship with God.

  8. A TRUCE FOR THE BATTLE OF THE SEXES by chuma obum  
    Even if it's just for the sake of curiosity, am sure you would like to know once and for all who is the weaker sex between a man and a woman... Well you be judge.

  9. Christian Codependency: Things We Do When We Won't Set Boundaries by Karla Downing  
    Christian codependency involves things codependents do when we won't set boundaries. When problems come up in relationships, we often want to make other people do what we think they should do. We do this because we think we are right; we think we know what is best; we don't want to be hurt; we don't want the other person to be hurt; or we are hurt, scared, anxious, or angry. These are the tactics we use to try to get people to do what we think they should do instead of deciding what is okay and not okay with us and simply setting a boundary.

  10. Christian Codependency: Loving Too Much by Karla Downing  
    Are you struggling with Christian Codependency and finding yourself loving too much? Jesus told us that the two main commandments were to love God and others. A popular Christian song had the following lyrics: "And they will know we are Christians by our love." Christians know they should love, but they don't know always know how. The emphasis is on forgiveness, tolerance, turning the other cheek and grace. The result is that they end up forgetting about the other side of love.

  11. Christian Relationship Help: How to Honor and Respect Parents Who Aren't Honorable or Respectable by Karla Downing  
    Are you looking for Christian relationship help to guide you in how to honor and respect parents who aren't honorable or respectable? One of the Ten Commandments given by God is to honor your mother and father and it came with the promise that the Israelites would live long in their land (Exodus 20:12). "Honor" means to show proper respect and value. It isn't difficult to figure out how to honor and respect parents that behave honorably and respectably, but how do you honor and respect parents that don't act that way?

  12. Christian Relationship Help: Healthy and Unhealthy Triangulation in Dysfunctional Families by Karla Downing  
    Triangulation in dysfunctional families can be healthy and unhealthy. There are many ways you can "triangulate" which simply means to get involved in a relationship between two people in an attempt to fix it. Dysfunctional family dynamics give you many opportunities to get involved some of which are okay and some not okay.

  13. Christian Relationship Help: Five Signs You Are Enabling Your Parents by Karla Downing  
    While there are justifiable reasons to help parents sacrificially that include poor health, catastrophe, and things beyond their control, there are also things you can do that are unhealthy for you and them. Enabling is when your intervention allows someone to continue to do things that aren't good. Here are five signs that you are enabling your parents...

  14. Christian Marriage Help: What the Silent Treatment Tells You About Your Partner by Karla Downing  
    Are you looking for Christian Marriage help to enable you to understand why your partner uses the silent treatment? The silent treatment is one of many tactics used in dysfunctional relationships. What is the purpose of the silent treatment and what does it tell you about your partner?

  15. Christian Relationship Help: Three Reasons Why Silent Treatments Are Abusive by Karla Downing  
    Are you looking for Christian relationship help that enables you to understand why silent treatments are abusive? Here are three reasons why silent treatments are abusive...

  16. Prodigals: Components of a Healthy Parent to Adult-Child Relationship by Karla Downing  
    Are you wondering what your relationship should be like with your adult child? When you raise your minor children, you focus on training, discipline, and obedience. When your child becomes an adult, the relationship between you changes.

  17. Christian Relationship Help: Causes of Anxiety in Relationships by Karla Downing  
    Are you looking for Christian relationship help to understand the various causes of anxiety in relationships? Relationships evoke deep emotional reactions-many of which we don't really identify fully. These emotional reactions are often experienced as mild to severe anxiety. Here are eight common causes of anxiety in relationships and their underlying beliefs...

  18. Christians and Boundaries: Six Questions to Guide You in Setting Biblical Relationship Boundaries by Karla Downing  
    If you are struggling with being a Christian and having boundaries, then these questions will guide you in setting biblical relationship boundaries. One of the reasons boundaries are hard to figure out is because they are different for each person and circumstance. Difficult relationships have complicated dynamics. These questions offer you principles to help you figure out the boundaries that are right for you in each of your relationships.

  19. Overcoming Christian Codependency - Four Truths To Determine When To Put Yourself Before Others by Karla Downing  
    To overcome Christian codependency, apply these four truths to determine when you should put your needs or the other person's needs first. You don't have to neglect yourself to care about others.

  20. God's Desire by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Every relationship calls for satisfying desires. So it is with yours with God.

  21. Christian Codependency: Three Reasons Codependents Try to Fix Their Difficult Loved Ones' Problems by Karla Downing  
    If you are struggling with Christian codependency, you likely try to fix your difficult loved ones' problems. Here are three reasons codependents fix people...

  22. Christians and Boundaries: Four Reasons You Have Weak Boundaries by Karla Downing  
    If you are a Christian looking for help to enable you to have better boundaries, this article will help you to identify four reasons why you have weak boundaries. Before you can set stronger boundaries, you have to understand why yours are weak in the first place.

  23. Marriage by Helen Henry  
    Marriage is the process by which two people who love each other make their relationship public, official, and permanent.

  24. LOVE TO LOVE by chuma obum  
    Here is why i love to love and why you should love to love too.

  25. Christian Codependency: Four Biblical Reasons You Need Strong Relationship Boundaries by Karla Downing  
    If you are struggling with Christian codependency, you probably have weak boundaries. This article will give you four biblical reasons you need strong relationship boundaries.

  26. Christians and Boundaries: How To Teach Your Daughter Not to Tolerate Abuse by Karla Downing  
    Are you a Christian struggling with boundaries? If so, you may be concerned about what you are modeling to your daughter. As a parent of a daughter, you want her to be treated well by the men she will date and the man she will marry. This article will show you how to teach your daughter not to tolerate abuse in her relationships with men.

  27. Christian Relationship Help: Understand How Fear Affects Your Difficult Relationships by Karla Downing  
    Are you looking for Christian relationship help to enable you to understand how fear affects your difficult relationships? This article will provide you with some answers.

  28. No Sympathy in LA by John Racke  
    Country boy has an "Ah-Ha" moment on the impersonal nature of big city life.

  29. Summon Courage to be God's Child by Jacki McGuyer  
    Do we sometimes mistake pleasing for loving? There's nothing wrong with trying please others, but when we let it become routine, even obsessive, then, whether we please them or not, our effort doesn't produce the desired results. Too often, this tendency to please others steals away the person God created us to be. What we hold in high regard, will control us; what we esteem lowly, we will govern.

  30. Christian Relationship Help: Recognizing Emotional Manipulation by Karla Downing  
    This Christian relationship help will enable you to recognize emotional manipulation. Dysfunctional people often use tactics to manipulate you to get what they want. These people are usually skilled at recognizing the weaknesses they can exploit.


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