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A Statement of Prophecy That Was Not Intended To Be a Prophecy
by Steve Sterling
When I used to attend Bible classes at my former local church, I always enjoyed listening to this particular Bible instructor. He is one of the persons that stimulated my interest in Bible prophecy and helped me to appreciate the word the way I do today. I will always remember his definition of prophecy and history which he routinely repeats during his prophecy lectures. The definition goes like this: prophecy is history foretold, and history is prophecy unfold.
The Sameness Between the 'Gospel of the Kingdom' and the 'Everlasting Gospel' of Revelation 14
by Steve Sterling
The vision of John in Revelation 14 is essentially about the introduction of the 144000, the preaching of the three angels' message, and the consequent reaping of a harvest. It is quite interesting that the Bible categorize the first of the three messages as the everlasting gospel. It is said to be the gospel that will be preached to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. The designation of the first message as the everlasting gospel seems to distinguish it from the other two in terms of its eternal importance.
What does it mean to be sealed in the time of the end?
by Steve Sterling
The promise to the Philadelphian church in Revelation 3 is a promise to enter into the experience of the 144000. Just as it was said of the 144000 in Revelation 14, it was promised to Philadelphia that they will have the Father's name in their foreheads; it will be given to them as a reward for overcoming. This overcoming is in reference to the conflict with the powers of evil in the great controversy between Christ and Satan.
The Woman and the Dragon
by Christine Weick
What is John trying to describe in Revelation when he sees a Woman being chased by a dragon? Can we understand what the metaphors could mean? I answer that with a YES! Taking the rest of Bible to do so... you will be surprised.
Countdown to the end of the world: Examining Jesus' prophetic parable of Matthew 22
by Steve Sterling
Jesus' parable of the wedding feast in Matthew 22 is in fact a prophetic countdown of events from the time of Israel to the end of the world. Contrary to what evangelicals would have us believe, among the things that are predicted in that parable is the rejection of the Jews as a nation. As we examine the parable we will get a peek into the future and see how God's eternal purpose will be accomplished despite the reluctance of those He once cherished as His peculiar treasure.
Bible Study on Revelation 5: Why Was the Lamb Considered Worthy to Open the Book?
by Steve Sterling
The vision of John as recounted in Revelation 5 is about developments in the heavenly courts that set the stage for the opening of the seals in the next chapter. The vision of this heavenly scene had its beginning in chapter 4 where the prophet saw the setting of thrones in place as if a judgment sitting or tribunal is about to be in session. It seems as if the opening of the book was the center of attention in this sitting and that somebody who is worthy to open that book must be found.
Countdown to the End of the World and Beyond: Will There Be Life on Earth During the 1000 Years
by Steve Sterling
The prophetic countdown of end-time events in the book of Revelation represents a narrative sequence leading up to the grand consummation at the end of the Millennium in Revelation 20. Revelation 20 provides information as to how the great controversy between Christ and Satan will finally be settled, and what it will mean for the future of planet earth.
Countdown to the End of the World: The End-Time Mission of the False Prophets Exposed
by Steve Sterling
Of all the servants of Satan the false prophets are the most subtle. This is due their uncanny ability to appear convincing while destroying the souls of his hearers. In the biblical countdown of end-of-the-world events in the writings of almost every prophet and apostle the warning against listening to falsehoods has always been given the emphasis it deserves.
Bible Study on Revelation 7: The Sealing of Israel in the Time of the End
by Steve Sterling
The vision of the prophet John in Revelation 7 is evidently a portrayal of events to take place among the people of God before the Second Coming of Christ. In anticipation of disastrous events to transpire at some point in the future, the Lord has seen it fit to secure His people from harm and danger. And the means by which there protection is ensured is to put a mark on their foreheads identifying them as belonging to God. Just as the Lord protected ancient Israel from the tenth plague by putting blood upon every door posts in Goshen, so He will protect His people from the effects of the many catastrophes in the last days by putting a mark on each one of them.
End of the World Countdown: The End-Time Showdown Between Michael and the King of the North
by Steve Sterling
The intriguing countdown to the end of the world as chronicled in Daniel 12 is a line of prophecy that began in chapter 11. As a result of the confusion of the parallel prophecies it seems as if there is some misunderstanding about the angel of Daniel 12 who will deliver the saints in the last days. One of the common mistakes that I observe with many Bible commentators is found in the identity of the angel Michael.
Bible Study on Daniel 9- The Truth About the 70-Week Prophecy
by Steve Sterling
The 70 weeks mentioned in Daniel 9:24-27 is actually a part of an explanation of the vision of chapter 8. It is difficult to relate to what was explained in that passage without referring back to the vision that prompted that explanation. This particular vision is about the ram, the he goat, and the little horn. It is almost laughable to see the futile attempts by some prophecy students to disassociate chapter 8 from 9 and expect the latter to make sense.
Does End-time Bible Prophecy Teach Us Anything About a 7-year Antichrist Reign?
by Steve Sterling
The popular teaching of a 7-year antichrist rule in the end time seems to be a part of the rapture doctrine that is so zealously propagated by mainstream evangelicals. Ever since I started studying Bible prophecy I have always wondered where they got this theory from. Certainly, they must have a strong biblical foundation for it why it is being taught with such confidence. It was when I had a rather spirited discussion of the subject with a Pentecostal young lady that I realized that many are accepting this 7-year theory without knowing where it is coming from or how to defend it.
The Three-fold Message of Revelation 14: God's End-time Mission to Restore True Worship
by Steve Sterling
The worldwide proclamation of the everlasting gospel in Revelation 14 will be the final message of mercy to the inhabitants of the earth before the Second Coming. It is the same end-time proclamation, referred to as the 'gospel of the kingdom', that is to be preached into all the world before the end comes (Matt. 24:14).
End-Time Bible Prophecy is Not Just About a Coming Tribulation - It's Also About Restoration
by Steve Sterling
The end-time prophecies of the Bible are so dominated by accounts of the adversities of the people of God at the hands of a last-day enemy of Christ called the antichrist that many tend to see the latter day predictions of Daniel and Revelation as nothing but doomsday forecasts. Then to make matters worst, there are other predictions of end-time events that are separate and apart from the activities of the antichrist; predictions such as the shaking of the heavens and the earth (Rev. 6), the falling of the cities of the nations, and the disappearance of islands and mountains (Rev. 16).
The Most Obvious Principle in End-Time Prophecy Study that Almost Everybody Is Ignoring
by Steve Sterling
In the study of end-time Bible prophecy today many even among the most seasoned expert theologians are just not getting it right. It is a bit difficult to say whether the perception of intellectual superiority has anything to do with it but what is certain is that we are not following God's instructions as we aught. What I mean by this is that we have become so caught up with wanting to interpret everything that even in the very instructions that the Lord gives in solving Bible prophecy we tend to see some hidden meaning beyond the instruction that is given.
The Antichrist Prophecy of Daniel 11: Investigating the Antichrist's Enmity Against the Holy Covenant
by Steve Sterling
The enmity of the king of the north in Daniel 11 against the holy covenant seems to be provoked by the "ships of Chittim". It appears that there is some relationship between the holy covenant and the ships of Chittim why this end-time enemy of Christ resorted to violence against the holy covenant when resisted by these ships. From the latter part of verse 30 it seems as if the king of the north will not be alone in his work of rebellion against the covenant; according to the scriptures, he will be in collusion with those who will, likewise, manifest the same kind of hostility against the holy covenant.
Bush and prophecy
by Lupie Riley
The real reason behind the Iraq war and the important part George W. Bush played in the overall plan of God.
End- time Prophecy Crash Course on Malachi 4
by Steve Sterling
The theme of this end-time Prophecy Course will be focused on last-day events as they relate to the predictions in the book of Malachi. In this mini study course we will be taken beyond the Second Coming to the final destruction of the wicked and their all-time rebel leader, Satan. It will also touch a little on the ultimate triumph of the people of God whose eternal destiny will see them inheriting a restored earth.
The Prophetic Timeline of Daniel and Revelation: Examining the 1260-day Antichrist Reign
by Steve Sterling
The 1260-day timeline in the book of Revelation is often associated with the last-day reign of the beast, aka, the antichrist. According to Revelation 13, it is the period in which he is to exercise the authority bestowed on him by the dragon (Satan). The beginning of this period will be marked by the beast's ascension from the bottomless pit.
End of the World Countdown: When God Shakes the Earth
by Steve Sterling
The occurrences of natural disasters, especially in the form of earthquakes have become more frequent with the turn of century. We have seen it in Haiti, Japan, Venezuela, Spain, and South East Asia, and these are just a small sample of many other such disasters which had occurred in the last decade. However, in the biblical countdown of events leading up to the end of the world, it seems as if catastrophes of this nature will become more frequent and more intense. According to the scriptures, most of these incidences will take place after the probation of earth's inhabitants comes to a close.
Countdown to the End of the World: Preparing for the Great Gospel Famine
by Steve Sterling
In His famous countdown of end-of-the-world events in the 24th chapter of the book of Matthew Jesus had underscored the pivotal role of the gospel proclamation in the last days. Amid the signs and wonders that is to foreshadow the Second Coming, the preaching of God's end-time message (Matt. 24:14) for this generation will be the most critical event since the eternal destiny of the inhabitants of planet earth will depend on how the gospel message is treated.
Countdown to the end of the world: the Probation of Earth's Inhabitants is about to be Closed
by Steve Sterling
The Bible has provided ample proof in its prediction of end-of-the-world events that a day is coming when grace will no longer be available; that the chance of repentance will be gone forever. In this assertion, I am not talking about the Second Coming but a period prior to that event.
Bible Study on Revelation 13: Is it Really True that the Mark of the Beast will be Forced on You?
by Steve Sterling
I have been studying the thirteenth chapter of the book of Revelation for decades now and almost every book I read and lectures I heard where Revelation 13 is dealt with, there is always the assertion that a mark will be forced on us against our will. Very often this is represented as the implementation of a new world policy to which every inhabitant of planet earth will be held hostage. But is this teaching of Revelation 13?
End of the World Countdown: Putting the Rapture Doctrine Under Apostolic Scrutiny
by Steve Sterling
Where a focus on events surrounding the Second Coming and the end of the world is concerned, there are several different views that are floating around in theological circles. The doctrine of the rapture seems to be one such teaching in which there are strong opinions on all sides. One of the things I notice about the use of the word 'rapture' is that whenever it is used it automatically conveys a certain meaning that can only be associated with a particular religious fraternity.
Will the Rapture be an Escape Route from the Time of Trouble?
by Steve Sterling
I did a few searches on the internet looking at the different views concerning the Rapture. While I've seen some very weird stuff, much of the things I read are very much in agreement with my view of the subject. The meaning of the term "rapture" is 'to be caught up'. Now it is very important that when you hear the term "Rapture" it is not speaking about the Second Coming as we generally believe it.
End Time Prophecy Course: How Crucial is it to Your Eternal Salvation
by Steve Sterling
Without fear of contradiction, a prophecy course on end-time events is far more important a branch of study than what you learn in college or in any institution of learning for that matter. After all, what you learn in school today is only for your temporal sustenance. But your knowledge of the Bible is a means of preparing you for eternity. The primacy of the word of God in the lives of mankind is thus summed up in the words of Job:
A Call To Arms
by Debra Burgess
We must understand how to pray in this hour for those who are in leadership roles.
Comments on The Islamic Antichrist by Joel Richardson
by Karl Kemp
The dominant Christians viewpoint has always been that the Antchrist will reign in the revived Roman empire. In this book Joel Richardson teaches that the Antichrist of the Bible will turn out to be the Muslim Mahdi, who will arise and reign in the Muslim world, not the revived Roman Empire. I will show in this article that the prophecies of the Bible (especially from the books of Daniel and Revelation) demonstrate that the Antichrist will indeed reign in the revived Roman empire.
by Helen Murray
This is a poem about the coming tsunami which will wipe out the major institutions of mankind in preparation for the return of Jesus, and what is required of the church in these times.
The Occupy Wallstreet Protestors - A Biblical Prophecy?
by Christine Weick
What does the Bible predict about the last days in regards to how and when the Antichrist appears? Do current events involving the protests hold signs of what is coming?
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