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Saving Religion on Campus
by Hannah Tharayil
Many changes are thrust upon someone who goes off to college. First, the distance away from home and parents gives students a freedom they are often not used to having. For me personally, all of a sudden I was in control of my own religious destiny, and I was not sure what to do with that control.All the focus spent on classwork, extracurricular activities, work, and volunteering pushes religion way down to the bottom of students' list of priorities. Another big issue that really contributes to the problem is the social aspect of college. Students spend so much time and focus on partying and making friends that they forget about religion.
On Timbered Tree
by louis gander
It had begun. The truth was spun.
Some laws were 'redefined'.
They had an itch to bail the rich
but leave us poor behind.
A letter to the NRA
by Robert Randle
There is no simple answer to curb the escalating gun violence in America. While it is not practical for the federal government to confiscate every citizen's guns, yet the reliance upon Second Amendment rights as a sacred mantra is not the answer either. In fact, the circumstances that gave birth to such a constitutional provision doesn't easily fit into American society of the twenty first century.
A Leaf
by louis gander
But oh, alas! It came to pass
that it was not of me!
With legal tools, they changed the rules -
then yanked me from that tree.
Barack Obama's 2013 State of the Union speech
by Robert Randle
On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 President Obama gave his State of the Union address before the joint chamber of Congress as mandated under the U.S. Constitutiion. The speech consisted a little bit of something borrowed and something new and touched on all the major themes of his presidency in the last two terms, for the most part.
The plain truth about jobs numbers and economic recovery
by Robert Randle
There is a sort of nostalgia for the supposed 'good old days' under former president Bill Clinton when we were awash with an abundance of good jobs, but is this credit given to him somewhat exaggerated? Both Clinton and G.W. Bush's economic policies created more jobs in their second term as opposed to their first four years, so there is not as significant a difference as one might think.
Canadian Native Renewal
by Richard L. Provencher
The Chief and Band Council members should visit their residents to make sure their homes are being kept in decent condition in and around the premises.
A Proud American!
by louis gander
Don't call me dumb and stupid. I'm just confused with facts.
Just promise me more goodies now so they can pay my tax.
Lance or Barack
by Stanley Davis
The lessons of life can be hard, and sometimes the truth can be the only means to an end.
The Big Numbers That Count the Most Part 2: Unemployment Rates Since 1920
by Angel Casiano
The last time unemployment was in the double digits in this nation was in 1940 under President Franklin D Roosevelt. We had some tough years from 1932 to 1940. In 1932, for example, we registered the largest unemployment rate in 92 years, 23.6%. However, under President Franklin D Roosevelt we also see the smallest unemployment rate in 92 years, 1.2%.
The Big Numbers That Count the Most: Deficits and Surpluses and Who Was in Charge
by Angel Casiano
The Sin of Laziness Part 3Hablemos de la Santidad
The Big Numbers That Count the Most: Deficits and Surpluses and Who Was in Charge
October 7, 2012 by angelcasiano | Edit
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There are numbers in politics that should count for something. I know that their are people that will forever be supporters of the Democratic party and others that likewise will forever be supporters of the Republican party. These days I am studying the history of Deficits and Surplus in the United States and who was in charge.
When Republicans and Democrats Work Together!
by Angel Casiano
As I pointed out before, since 1940 to 2012 we have had seventy-three Fiscal Years on record. In those 73 years we have had only 12 Surpluses; that leaves us with 60 Deficit Fiscal Years.
"A Word for the Heart of America's Politics"
by Angel Casiano
I received this word while in prayer on November 28, 2012: It speaks directly to liberalism and conservatism.
by louis gander
Refusing to repent and out beyond the furthest hope,
I see a country dangling from an unforgiving rope -
from poor results that legalized and drove our morals loose.
I see inflated, selfish heads above a tightened noose.
by Stanley Davis
Secession may have some value, but at what cost.
Immoral Conduct Monkey Wrench
by Stephen Vattimo
Before Wold War one the American people were only taxed one percent of their income, and every one was happy and living in the land of rainbows and ride around on unicorns.
Ronald Reagan's Hope for the (Conservative) Hopeless
by Ken Barnes
The article is a response to the recent presidential election. It theorizes that there is a new generation of Reagan-esque leaders arising in the American political scene. It brings to light the Christian character traits that Reagan possessed. Out of the post-election wreckage of the conservation political landscape will come renewed hope.
A World With Out God
by Stephen Vattimo
a article that take a look at Why sufferings of the world will not cease.
Are we too far gone
by Stanley Davis
Just another reason to get up and get into the fight.
Another Dark Day
by Stanley Davis
It seems we cannot learn from the past so we will continue on the present course.
by Dr. Henderson Ward
America has just voted for its new president and the Mass Media portrayed it as a neck and neck race going down to the wire. The outcome too close to call? Not really and in this after note I'll tell you why.
It Could Never Happen Here
by Donald Mehl
Most would view things in this article as conspiracy ramblings that could never happen here. But, that has blinded people as to what has already happened...all the while believing it could never happen here.
Pray? For This Guy??
by Donna Wasson
We are to pray for our leaders. But what if those leaders are evil?
by Lewis E. Thomas
by Dr. Henderson Ward
We make choices every day but sometimes we make the right choice for the wrong reason. Here we look at the presidential election in the USA and the choice they have to make.
Don't Drink the Kool-Aid!
by Donna Wasson
Oh heavens to Betsy, WAKE UP!!
Obama takes on the chin in first debate against Mitt Romney
by Robert Randle
Barack might not have the fire in the belly anymore and Mitt Romney is right when he says it's all about leadership and you don't lead from behind. America's problems are serious and require bold, innovative, and never-been-tried before solutions inspired by out-of-the box thinking and risk-taking.
Common Sense Look At Sin
by Stephen Vattimo
Yet we have people today who claimed to be enlightened yet they live in the dark,because they deny that sin exists.
Has God lost interest in the affairs of America?
by Daniel Deladem
The elections is a few weeks away and here is a revelation deep insight on how Christians should pray for the will of God to prevail
by Dr. Henderson Ward
The latest flare up between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Obama is extremely puzzling but not unexpected. Israeli leaders have a history of strong-arming US Presidents.
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