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  1. A Gift From God by Tonja Taylor  
    I found this poem, which I had written over 20 years ago, when I dedicated my precious daughter to the LORD on Mother's Day. She was just three months old.

  2. I CAN SEE YOUR HALO by linzy bruno  
    "I can see your halo;
    shining bright as the new moon....."

  3. My Father Knows Me by Tonja Taylor  
    I found this poem today, as I went through years of Mom's old photos and other keepsakes. May it minister to you a deeper truth that you are fully known and fully loved by God the Father.

  4. LAUGHING LIKE ANGELS by linzy bruno  
    "....laughing in chorus,
    praising Jesus....."

    In honor of the remnant great congregations of Christ

  5. HOW OUR SPIRITS DO ACHE by linzy bruno  
    "......Then I cry out, Emanuel!......"

  6. TAKE ME TO ZION! by linzy bruno  
    "Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God will shine forth." (Psalm 50:2)

  7. DIVINE PERFECTION by linzy bruno  
    " the moon and stars and tumbling clouds gliding by......"

  8. The LORD Our God Is . . . by Kristine Stanton  
    There are not enough words to describe our Mighty God - This poem touches upon how wonderful and powerful He is. . .

  9. The Road to Opportunity by Kristine Stanton  
    There are numerous opportunities in life for the taking - make the most of every opportunity. . .

  10. TO DREAM A DREAM by Lewis E. Thomas  

  11. SPIRIT SONG: Jehovah Nissi Has Freed Me! by Tonja Taylor  
    The LORD gave me this Spirit Song a couple days ago, starting with the "jaws and claws" phrase, as I remembered the picture one minister had of the spirit of death. But JESUS tasted death for us, and gave us RESURRECTION LIFE! HALLELUJAH!

  12. THE UNMETAPHOR by linzy bruno  
    A poem about the incomparable Love and Grace of our God

  13. YOUR LITTLE CLOWN by linzy bruno  
    Just a little something I wrote about my first teenage heartbreak.

  14. BORN AGAIN: Fishers of Men by linzy bruno  
    "Then He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19)

  15. LOVE LIKE FLOWERS by linzy bruno  
    "His LOVE taking me high like Zion,
    over this most stunning metaphor...."

  16. UNDESIREABLES by Lewis E. Thomas  

  17. RELIGION vs SALVATION by Lewis E. Thomas  

  18. EVERYTHING'S BETTER WITH GOD: Because God is Everything! by linzy bruno  
    "Everything's better with God
    and that's why His children sing;....."

  19. KING JESUS by linzy bruno  
    "Jesus fix Your Reins to my abode......."

  20. DON'T HATE ME BECAUSE I'M CHRISTIAN by linzy bruno  
    A poem about Christian persecution.

  21. Come Unto Me by Faith Jansky  
    Jesus bids those come to Him, who labor and are heavy laden, and He will give them rest.

  22. PLEASE TALK TO HIM LORD! by linzy bruno  
    A prayer for wives.....

  23. HOW BRIGHT IS YOUR LIGHT? by Lewis E. Thomas  

  24. WHAT DOES JESUS MEAN TO YOU? by Lewis E. Thomas  

  25. IF I WERE NOT A CHRISTIAN by linzy bruno  
    A bit of prose for a change.

  26. VANITY IS NOT ATTRACTIVE by linzy bruno  
    "So I told her--......."

  27. ACTIONS, CHOICES, AND WORDS by Lewis E. Thomas  

  28. God Led Me Through by Faith Jansky  
    God leads His children through many trials and tests in life to draw us close and show us Himself!

  29. Daring To Trust by Faith Jansky  
    In the hard trials of life, will we dare to trust God, no matter what?

  30. FOOD FOR THE SOUL by Lewis E. Thomas  


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