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  1. Grandpa Prayed by Jan Ross  
    Grandpa Langley carried on his annual tradition of sharing with his family in the old homestead on New Year's Day.

  2. My Personal Christmas Story by Freda Douglas  
    This is a true accounting but it definitely should not be read to children who still believe in Santa Claus. Let them stay young, and enjoy their innocence as long as you can.

  3. Write Queen - Pets Pt 1 by Freda Douglas  
    I might not have had the smartest or the most handsome or the best trained pets, but I loved them and that's enough.

  4. Lunch with God by Freda Douglas  
    Write Queen's Favorite Stories

    I most generally write articles myself, but every once in a while I deviate to please my readers. I give credit if I can, but this one is 'author unknown'. Enjoy!

  5. Pain Revisited by Joanne Wilson  
    Why, Oh why does it have to be this way?
    The pain never leaves. It is just covered up.

  6. National Adoption Month by Debra Shiveley Welch  
    Since its 1976 proclamation as National Adoption Month in Massachusetts,[1] November has remained a part of our National tradition as a time to celebrate the gift of love. A little over fifteen years ago, such a gift was given to me when my seven-day-old son was placed in my arms.

  7. Raising a Child in the Way of the Lord by Peter Stone  
    If you expect your child to automatically develop a relationship with Jesus because of taking them to church, Sunday School, and the church youth group, you will very likely find that this does not occur.

  8. Dawg Haus by DeAnna Brooks  
    I wish I'd been there, outside Dawg Haus that late summer morning. I'd have seen the laughter in his eyes, heard the joy seasoning his every word. How I would have chuckled. His sister, had she been present, would have heard them too. Instead, Laurel would overhear the words a few days later, in a different setting.

  9. Grandmother's Reflections by Angela M. Baker-Bridge  
    Becoming a first-time Grandmother is a unique experience... for many, it is an experience of deja vu.

  10. Unlikely Friends by Dixie Phillips  
    A true inspirational story about a young soldier who was captured and taken as a Prisoner of War in WW II. An unlikely friendship is formed between the German guard and the young American.

  11. The Question Box by Julie Arduini  
    A short story about a daughter's journey through her questions of life.

  12. Christmas Before Thanksgiving by Dixie Phillips  
    An inspirational story about a grandmother diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. In her final days she receives the gift of friendship that exemplifies the spirit of Christmas.

  13. Write Queen Makes Suggestions by Freda Douglas  
    Write Queen tells you what she likes and gives you contact info.

  14. A Message to All Sons and Daughters by Beatrice Ang  
    A poem. You can never be too old to be a good son or daughter.

  15. The Dandelion Walk by Angie Clayton  
    The short adventure of a grandma and her toddler brings joy and discovery.

  16. Reflections by Rebecca O'Connor  
    Close your eyes and remember bygone days by a familiar scent carried on the breeze that takes you back to a yesterday so long ago. Reflections live on forever if they have been passed on with care.

    We waited for seven whole years before the birth of our first biological girl-child. You may still be experiencing a similar delay. Take heart and be of good courage! If God could do it for us, then there is still hope for you! You too will embrace your own miracle-children at His own appointed time!

  18. Write Queen shares Project Kindness With You.. by Freda Douglas  
    This is about "Project Kindness" which you will find self-explantory. This is sponsored by It is free to join, and along with Project Kindness, you can participate in many other things that will definitely brighten your life

  19. A Special Land by Barb H  
    The mountains and the salt bush country of inland South Australia was created by magic millons of years ago. There are still remnants of the great inland sea to be found today. As I have seen myself.

  20. My Grandparents by Linda Strawn  
    Grandparents are a wonderful part of any child's life. I was fortunate to have two sets all through childhood and into my early adult life. They have since passed on but the memories I hold in my heart will live on for many years.

  21. Little One, Relax by Jan Ackerson  
    A foster mother deals with the uncontrolled tempter tantrums of her troubled toddler.

  22. Write Queen Write about Teens - Part 3 of 3 by Freda Douglas  
    This is part 3 of 3 disclosing facts about teenagers. It is the writer's hope the readers will understand teens better after reading these articles.

  23. Write Queen Writes About Teens - Pt 2 of 3 by Freda Douglas  
    Do you know any more about teens than before? This article will give you even more information.

  24. ite Queen Writes abut Teens - Pt 1 of 3 by Freda Douglas  
    It is the author's opinion a lot of adults critize the teens because they get bad press by TV and newspapers because that's what sells and they don't understand the way the way teens act and think.

  25. Write Queen Discovers Cullman County, AL by Freda Douglas  
    My newspaper background made me look into facts about Alabama, the state I had chosen to make my new place of residence. This a glimpse of what I found.

  26. Bringing Back Family Dinner by Lisa M. Hendey  
    Bringing Back Family Dinner
    Book Spotlight: Saving Dinner Basics: How to Cook Even If You Don't Know How
    By Leanne Ely
    Reviewed by Lisa M. Hendey

  27. A Sister's Love for Her Brother by Irvin Rozier  
    Harold was in ICU, and was not expected to live...but his sister loved him, believed in prayer, and was concerned about his relationship with the Lord.

  28. Playground Rules by Nancy Jo Wilson  
    Playground Rules is a short story that details a boy's struggle with a bully. He learns about patience and prayer as a way to resolve this conflict. His mother helps guide him in loving his enemy.

  29. Little Pitchers Have Big Ears by Catrina Bradley  
    What happens to all of your missing socks? Little Benjy knows the answer; when his dad solves the mystery he also learns and important lesson...

  30. A Fighting Chance by Dixie Phillips  
    A true miracle that happened to our family.


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