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  1. EVOLUTION - FACT OR FICTION? by ralph jackson  
    True scientists today think they are building upon facts. But is it possible that the "facts" upon which the theory of evolution is built are merely the arbitrary conclusions of overly wishful observers. Evolution Creation and Science, Frank Lewis Marsh Ph.D 1944. Page 4

  2. 3 Good Reasons For Re-Baptism by Gregory John Monroe  
    The circumstances under which one can be re-baptized.

  3. "By His Stripes We Are Healed" is Commonly Misused by Gregory John Monroe  
    Correctly applied, the use of "By His Stripes We Are Healed" won't cause a lack of faith.

  4. A article 2012, God's Or Man's View . by Stephen Vattimo  
    Most of these false prophet are predicting that the sun or a meter is going to change life on Earth as we know it.

  5. Public School Religion by Donna Wasson  
    The Feds want to teach our children about Islam, but we can't mention the name of Jesus??

  6. Interview: Dovid Rosenfeld, teacher on the internet of by Peter Menkin  
    In this interview the writer hopes to elicit from Rabbi Dovid Rosenfeld, teacher of matters Orthodox Jewish much about the internet teaching website and organization . Through this interview, the final in a three part series on Religious Education, we begin a three part number of interviews with different Orthodox Rabbi's who teach and write for that website.

  7. EduKart and JECRC University launch the Leadership MBA! by   
    Stanford and IIM Alumni launch the MBA to develop the leaders of tomorrow who will have a global outlook and lead their organizations

  8. Interview: Rabbi Yaakov Menken talks internet and Orthodox Jewish Education by Peter Menkin  
    This is the second interview in three that constitute the final article-interview on Religious Education. The unique aspect of this interview has to do with the success of internet education and its use in the teaching of Torah and Jewish learning purposes, as well, of Orthodox Jewish adult education. In this interview with Religion Writer Peter Menkin, Director of spoke with the writer over a period of a few months, from December, 2011, through the 20th of March, 2012. Rabbi Yaakov Menken (no relation to the Religion Writer), speaks with an authority born of education, training, and experience.

  9. Interview: Prominent Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein speaks about Jewish Education on the Internet by Peter Menkin  
    This energetic man is a teacher and interfaith leader who as part of agreed to be interviewed about the computer organization for Religious Education, and his own work as a teacher with that Orthodox Jewish group that serves 78,000 people worldwide.

  10. Commitment by Duane Huffstutler  
    If you make a promise to someone you are committing yourself to them for the purpose of the promise. It is like your word, if you say you are going to do something and don't do it you have broken your word and after breaking your word a few times people will get to where they don't believe anything that you say.

  11. Come and Get It by Duane Huffstutler  
    God has promise us that he would fight our battles if we will stay faithful to him. We must stand in faith and serve God with all of our heart, mind and soul. We must put aside everything of the world and follow his directions. But like Israel when they were going into the Promised Land he will not clear everything out as we move in, he will only clear out what we can take care of.

  12. Christmas, The Story Continues by Duane Huffstutler  
    The Story actually started before Adam and Eve. It started before Lucifer was thrown out of Heaven for his attempt to take over Heaven. It started even before the angels were created. In fact it started with a conversation between God and Jesus around the beginning of eternity when God was going to create a being that would worship him because they wanted to not because they were created to.

  13. Blessed are the Poor in Spirit by Duane Huffstutler  
    As we listen to people preach and TV evangelists and radio show hosts what we hear is totally against what Jesus is saying here. What they are preaching is totally name it and claim itGet anything you want by sending me a gift of $20.00 to $1,000.00If you will send me $100.00 I will personally guarantee that you will receive a gift straight from God that will make what you send me look like pocket change.

  14. AN ANGRY GOD by Duane Huffstutler  
    Can God become angry? The Bible says that God is Love, how can he be a God of Love and be a God of Anger? But you say he only got angry in the Old Testament he is a God of Love in the New Testament. So you say that God changes my Bible states that God never Changes Heb 13:8 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. (KJV) So if Jesus Christ and the Father are one how can Jesus Christ be the same yesterday, today and forever and God change from the Old Testament to the New Testament?

    Covers the last year of Jesus on earth in an original way to gain insight into His mind-set and the "why" of His actions..a"whydunit"

  16. The Image of God by Jack Jones  
    Theologians are in debate as to what the original image of God and or likeness of God means as first referred to in Genesis.

  17. Faith on Fire by Jack Jones  
    For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, (Romans 8:13)

  18. Black History Month is Great Time to Celebrate All Races by Minnie Hawkins  
    Should we celebrate humanity in general rather than singling out specific races? Do such celebrations divide rather than unite us?

  19. How to Begin Homeschooling in Illinois by Phyllis Smith Asinyanbi  
    The state of Illinois does not require you to notify your school district when you decide to homeschool, and following Illinois homeschooling laws is simple. There is no specific home school statute in Illinois, but you can legally homeschool, because there is an alternative home school statute.

  20. Discombobulationism by Helen Murray  
    Delucid holds seminar with his followers in the distraction from the faith of Christians. They discuss the 99% factor - 99% true and 1% lie.

  21. Teaching Homeschoolers About The Sovereignty of God by Mimi Rothschild  
    The sovereignty of God may be defined as the exercise of His supremacy. Being infinitely elevated above the highest creature, He is the Most High, Lord of heaven and earth.

  22. A Story to Teach Children About Death by Mimi Rothschild  
    A story that tells of a young girl who is dying. Ideal for Christian homeschoolers in the elementary grades. Caution: A child dies in this story.

  23. THE LOUD PRAYERS OF A CHILD by Mimi Rothschild  
    A short and sweet story about how one child's earnest prayers for her father were heard and answered by God. Ideal for Chrisitan homeschoolers who are in the elementary grades. Feel free to re-post in its entirety.

  24. LOST TREASURES by Mimi Rothschild  
    A story about how God wishes to forgive our disobedience. Ideal for Christian homeschoolers who are in the elementary grades. Feel free to repost in its entirety.

    A sweet and simple story about how the Lord answers prayers. Ideal for Christian homeschoolers in the elementary grades. Caution: A child dies in this story.

    A sweet parable that shows a youing child how Jesus answers prayers. Ideal for Christian homeschoolers in the elementary grades.

  27. Jesus Answers Ruth's Prayer by Mimi Rothschild  
    A Parable about how Jesus Answers Prayer. Ideal for the Christian homeschooler or for parents to read to children at bedtime.

  28. How a Little Girl Utilized the Telephone by Mimi Rothschild  
    Parable for homeschoolers or for Christian bedtime stories.

  29. THE STOWAWAY by Mimi Rothschild  
    A Biblical parable for bedtime reading or for the Christian homeschooler.

  30. THE CONVERTED SINNER by Mimi Rothschild  
    A parable about how the Lord can redeem even the greatest sinner among us.


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