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  1. Satan is Both Powerful and Powerless by Gregory John Monroe  
    Explained is how Satan, rendered powerless at the cross, still exercises prevailing power in this world.

  2. Sanctification: Subjectively and Objectively by Gregory John Monroe  
    Sanctification takes place in both an objective and subjective sense. No matter which, the Christian is considered to be perfect.

  3. Who Am I?: A Bible Memory Verse Activity for Kids for Colossians 3:16 by Kathy Vincent  
    A Bible memory verse activity is a great way to teach God's amazing Word and here's a Bible game based on Colossians 3:16.

  4. Reasons to be Joyful in Trials and Tribulations by Gregory John Monroe  
    Adopting and embracing these 5 different attitudes in times of trials will raise the believer to victory.

  5. Purification by Gregory John Monroe  
    How to purify your soul.

  6. Pray For or Against Our Enemies? by Gregory John Monroe  
    The proper and acceptable way to pray for those who oppose us.

  7. Practicing Righteousness by Faith by Gregory John Monroe  
    Making it a habit to daily put on the mind of Christ is to have our works manifest from godly motives.

  8. Perfection by Gregory John Monroe  
    How to be perfect as God is perfect.

  9. Overcome Temptation in 3 Steps by Gregory John Monroe  
    Face your temptations from within the mind of Christ. Capitalize on His thoughts, feelings, and motives. This can help you overcome temptations now and in the years to come.

  10. Ministries Appealing to Selfishness by Gregory John Monroe  
    Unseemly solicitations prey on the "get rich quick" mindset.

  11. Love Yourself As Your Neighbor Meaning by Gregory John Monroe  
    Our dislikes and self-adulation often get in the way of truly loving ourselves. Therefore, its super hard to love others. Yet, there is hope; a teachable hope.

  12. Water Matters by RobertLincoln Hancock  
    Drought is the Mother Crisis of the Century.
    The ripple effect will be felt around the world. The water crisis is no respecter of persons and it is a gamechanger linked to survival.

  13. Love and Obedience by Gregory John Monroe  
    Obedience isn't necessarily legalistic. Done for the right reason, obedience is quite loving, and indeed leads to oneness with God.

  14. Judging the Saints by Gregory John Monroe  
    Believers are already justified by faith, meaning declared innocent by the blood of Jesus. Yet God puts them on trial before His judgment seat anyway. Why?

  15. Jesus, the Divider by Gregory John Monroe  
    Jesus' speaks the truth. Some will accept it, some won't. The truth is that He must come first, even in our families. Making Him foremost can reap benefits for all.

  16. Jesus' Human Nature: Fallen or Unfallen? by Gregory John Monroe  
    Evidence and rationale for which human nature Jesus assumed--the one before Adam's fall, or the one afterwards.

  17. Intercessory Prayer: 3 Characteristics by Gregory John Monroe  
    The character makeup of an effective, praying intercessor.

  18. Intended Words of Comfort That Aid the Enemy by Gregory John Monroe  
    How intended words of comfort can put Christians on the side of the devil.

  19. In Jesus by Gregory John Monroe  
    There are two kinds of humanity. One is in Adam; the other is in Jesus.

  20. I Am is at the Day and Hour by Gregory John Monroe  
    The great I AM is not basing Jesus' coming on the current up and down behavior of His people.

  21. How to Minimize the Pain of Disappointment by Gregory John Monroe  
    Disappointment in others, in our dreams, and in ourselves are a part of life that is depressing and even hurtful. Placing trust in the right place, though, can minimize the pain and even might eliminate it altogether.

  22. How Baptism Relates to Salvation by Gregory John Monroe  
    The role that baptism plays in salvation.

  23. Already Through Heaven's Gate by Gregory John Monroe  
    Christians concerned about making it through heaven's gate don't realize they already have a free entry.

  24. Top 10 Reasons Online Homeschooling is BEST by Mimi Rothschild  
    Why are 92% of homeschoolers using Online Homeschooling to teach their children? Because online homeschooling works! It's EASIER, BETTER and SAFER than the alternatives. Read the Top 10 Reasons why in this article.

  25. Top 10 Reasons Online Homeschooling is BEST by Mimi Rothschild  
    Why are 92% of homeschoolers using Online Homeschooling to teach their children? Because online homeschooling works! It's EASIER, BETTER and SAFER than the alternatives. Read the Top 10 Reasons why in this article.

  26. Top 10 Reasons Online Homeschooling is BEST by Mimi Rothschild  
    Why are 92% of homeschoolers using Online Homeschooling to teach their children? Because online homeschooling works! It's EASIER, BETTER and SAFER than the alternatives. Read the Top 10 Reasons why in this article.

  27. Parental Emotonal Abuse: Its Impact on Adulthood by Barbara Stuart, PhD LCPC  
    The incidence of childhood abuse is real and should not be ignored as though it is not important. Since children expect unconditional love from parents which is normal, when this is lacking it leaves them with images in their minds and empty spaces of emotional beehives. It is during adulthood that many children express themselves in an attempt to rid themselves of painful past abuses which they suffered.

  28. Parental Emotonal Abuse: Its Impact on Adulthood by Barbara Stuart, PhD LCPC  
    The incidence of childhood abuse is real and should not be ignored as though it is not important. Since children expect unconditional love from parents which is normal, when this is lacking it leaves them with images in their minds and empty spaces of emotional beehives. It is during adulthood that many children express themselves in an attempt to rid themselves of painful past abuses which they suffered.

  29. Parental Emotonal Abuse: Its Impact on Adulthood by Barbara Stuart, PhD LCPC  
    The incidence of childhood abuse is real and should not be ignored as though it is not important. Since children expect unconditional love from parents which is normal, when this is lacking it leaves them with images in their minds and empty spaces of emotional beehives. It is during adulthood that many children express themselves in an attempt to rid themselves of painful past abuses which they suffered.

  30. Parental Emotonal Abuse: Its Impact on Adulthood by Barbara Stuart, PhD LCPC  
    The incidence of childhood abuse is real and should not be ignored as though it is not important. Since children expect unconditional love from parents which is normal, when this is lacking it leaves them with images in their minds and empty spaces of emotional beehives. It is during adulthood that many children express themselves in an attempt to rid themselves of painful past abuses which they suffered.


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