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P.O.W.E.R.* Girl V - Ch. 02 - Designing the New House

by Tonja Taylor  
7/15/2023 / Short Stories

“OK, kiddos,” said Pearl’s mother, “let’s do some critical thinking.” She gave Xi and Pearl and Robert some graph paper.  I want you to draw the floor plan for our dream home.”

Xi just stared at the paper. “I have no idea what to draw,” she said. She frowned. “All I’ve ever lived in before is a trailer!”

She picked up Vivace and petted her. 

“Oh, sweetie, no worries,” said Pearl’s mother. “When I first got married, my house was tiny, too, but the LORD is good. He doesn’t care where we live—and everything is temporary on earth. Our real Home is Heaven!”

“Yeah!” said Pearl. “Jesus is the Master Carpenter, and He is building each of us a mansion!”

Xi raised her eyebrows and stared at Pearl, then said, “How do you know?”

Gee, she sounds rude! Thought Pearl, but I’m going to be a true princess and ignore that. Help me speak right, LORD! She opened her mouth, but her mother spoke first.

 “Well, Xi, the Word of God says so,” Pearl’s mother said quietly, and reached for her Bible. “Let me find the verse to show you.”

Xi scowled, put the dog down, and picked up her pencil. She jabbed her pencil onto the paper, and made a dark mark.

She doesn’t look too happy about the mansion thing! thought Pearl. Jesus, please help her know more of Your goodness!

“Yep! Jesus is God and He is big, big BIG!” said Robert, as he drew pictures on his paper.

“Ah, here it is,” said Pearl’s mother. “It’s John 14:2 and 3, from the King James Version: ‘In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.’ So, the LORD is saying that everyone who has become a child of God by believing in Jesus as Savior and LORD will have a beautiful mansion in Heaven, and live a perfect life with God, forever! He is so good!”

“Yes, King Jesus is coming back soon, on a white horse even more magnificent than the Lipizzans!” said Pearl.

Xi put her pencil down, got up, and said, “Mrs. Williams, may I go to the bathroom?”

“Of course, Xi,” said Pearl’s mother. “We’ll work for a while on the house thing, then do something else.”

Xi just nodded, and walked out quickly. Vivace followed her, and sniffed the door.

They heard a strange noise. Startled, Vivace barked. 

"Here, girl," Pearl called. I think Xi is throwing up! Pearl thought. She must be nervous inside, or mad, or something. Jesus, please give her peace! She started to speak, but saw that her mother had her eyes closed. Pearl could see her lips moving. She must be praying for Xi.

Vivace came to sit at Pearl's feet. She reached down to pet her. "It's all right," she soothed. "Xi will be back."

“Hey, Sissy!” said Robert, holding up his drawing. “Like my house? It’s big!”

Pearl looked at it, glad for the distraction. She saw a big blue square in the middle of his work. “Good job, Rob…..Is that a swimming pool in the house?”

He beamed, choosing a different colored pencil from the box. “Yep! It’s in my room!” He pointed. “See? Here’s the bunk beds, so Lucas and me can sleep, and then go jump in the pool!”

Pearl smiled. “That’s….very creative!”

“Uncle Burt says God can do anything!” Robert said, and kept drawing.  He looked at her paper. “Where’s yours?”

“Doing it right now!” said Pearl. What should I draw, LORD? What do I want? She looked out the window at the rain.  Hey! If Robert can have a pool in his room, I can have a waterfall! Yeah!

She drew a rectangle, then a waterfall across one whole side of her room, falling into a stone rectangular pool below. Yes, the wall will be stone, with lots of different-colored gemstones mixed in, she thought. I need lights to shine on them to make them and the water sparkle. I want this to be where I can see it when I wake up. But I want to be able to see the light come in, too, and the stars at night.

She drew her bed across from the waterfall.  Oh, I want a canopy bed, too, with royal blue curtains, and sheets and bedspreads and blue silk pillowcases. Yeah!”

Her mother walked over and looked at their drawings. “Very interesting! I see you both have amazing water features in your rooms!”

Pearl nodded. “Yes! And my room is going to be on the second floor--or the third!--so I can see farther!”

“Oh, are we having two stories?” her mother said quietly.

She sounds like we’re not, thought Pearl. “Yes ma’am,” she said politely, but I think three would be even better. I want mine on top! Besdies, you said to draw our dream home.”

Her mother sighed. “God definitely gave me children who are big dreamers!” she said. “Jimmy always said that nothing is too hard for the LORD!”

"What is your dream, Queen Mother?" she asked. 

Pearl looked over at Robert, who’d drawn several pages. At least he’s quiet, thought Pearl. That helps me think better! Hmmm….I want to see the light and the stars, and the waterfall, and then then the fountains and gardens. How can I do this, Jesus? You know everything.

She waited for a bit, looking at her drawing. Queen Mother says to ask Him, then listen, she thought.  So I’m listening.

An idea floated up in her mind, to make the waterfall lower, and put windows over it. She had another idea, to make the waterfall smaller, out of glass, so the light could shine through, and she could see the flowers and trees.

“Ooh! I like those, Jesus. Thank You!” she said out loud. “Yeah! My bed could be on the back wall, by the door, and when I walk in, I’ll see the whole front wall of light, and the waterfall flowing, with the light shining through in the day, and the stars shining through at night, and the gems will sparkle…but how will I put the gems in the glass?”

“Your creativity is quite astounding!” said her mother, overhearing her.

“I asked Jesus to give me new ideas, and He did, speedy quick,” said Pearl. She smiled. “Elohim is working!”

“Indeed!” said her mother. “I think my bedroom will be on the second floor too,” she said. “I want a balcony, to sit on and look at the pretty gardens we’ll have.”

“Great, Queen Mother!” said Pearl. “Robert’s bedroom can be downstairs, so he won’t bother us.”

Robert’s head popped up. “What?”

Pearl giggled. “Nothing, Rob. What are you drawing now?”

He held up some papers. “The cage for my monkeys will be big, so I’ll need a big room!”

We don’t need monkeys, ‘cause we have Rob! Pearl thought. She looked at her mother, who was smiling.

“I can read your thoughts, darling daughter!” she said, and laughed. Thank you for being a good princess, and keeping your mouth closed!" Then she turned and said, “Rob, no monkeys. How about a bird?”

He looked disappointed, then said, “I want one that talks!”

“We’ll see,” said his mother, and smiled. 

“Pearl has Vivace, and I want a pet!” said Robert, standing up.

“Maybe we’ll get you one—if your attitude is right!” said his mother calmly.

He looked at her expression, and sat back down. “Yes ma’am!” he said quietly.

Xi walked back in. “Mrs. Williams, if you don’t mind, I need to go lie down. I can make up for class later, if that’s all right.”

“Sure Xi, no problem,” Pearl’s mother said. “No worries. You can rest on your old bed in Pearl’s room.” Hope you feel better!”

Xi glanced at the drawings of the others, and Pearl waved at her.

“Yes ma’am, thank you,” Xi said, and went upstairs.

“Queen Mother,” said Pearl, “what do you want?”

Her mother smiled. “What I want is to just snap my fingers and have everything built in the exact way the LORD knows we need and want our new house to be,” she said, “but it doesn’t work like that on earth.”

Pearl got up and hugged her.  I know she still misses Daddy, Pearl thought. Help her be strong, LORD! she prayed.  “Queen Mother,” said Pearl, “I just want you to know that I love you, and I’m so glad you’re my mom. It doesn’t really matter what house we live in, ‘cause I know you’ll always be a great mother, and it will be a happy house, because you and Jesus will be there!”

Her mother hugged her tight, longer than usual. I love my mother so much! she thought.

Her mother stepped back, and said, “Spoken like the true Princess that you are!”

Robert came over and hugged his mom from the other side. “A mom sandwich!” he said!

They all laughed.

Pearl shut her eyes, and felt very warm in her heart. Thank You, Daddy God, for giving me such a great family, and thank You for our new house! I know it will be just right, and more than we can dream!


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: WRITERS

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