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20 Ways to Bless Your Children Even More!

by Tonja Taylor  
12/28/2019 / Parenting

1.If you're wrong, admit it! Then apologize to them, ask their forgiveness, and ask them to pray with you while you admit to God before them that you were wrong and need His forgiveness.

2.Practice saying yes more than no. "Mama, will you buy me this?" "No, but you can save your money and buy it and then yes, you can have it--unless there is something else you want to have more with that money."

3.Teach them to respect the LORD--to pray at breakfast, lunch, dinner, before bed--and to agree with you in prayer for healings for others, for struggles, etc. If they don't want to pray out loud, don't force them; lead them. My daughter was shy about praying around my husband, for some reason, but she'd pray easily around me. However, with wisdom and gentle persistence, he and I have led her to start praying out loud. I tried to force her to pray one night, and the sweet Holy Spirit convicted me that that was not His way; He had never forced anyone to pray (nor will He; He is a gentleman! He leads us.)

4. Teach them to tithe and give offerings (to missionaries, etc.) Once, my daughter had invited a little neighbor to go to church with us. She has a very generous heart and went to her room to get an offering for her and for a neighbor boy to give that night. She handed me both fives that I had given her--one for herself and one for him! I was touched.

We had a jar we'd put change in, to be taken from when we'd misbehave (her money that really, we gave her, but when she'd have to get a quarter out of the jar for misbehavior (not often), I'd sigh and tell her I didn't want her to lose blessings. Then, I'd usually tell her to put it in the can she was using to collect money for the orphanage. I made her understand that her behavior needed improvement, but even though she messed up, she was forgiven when she was truly repentant, and that, because of grace, the money that was taken out of her hand went to help someone and that God was so good, He would reward her for giving! (What an amazing, WONDERFUL God we serve!!!)

5. Instill a righteousness-consciousness in your child(ren) from the beginning. Even as you are correcting her, let your last words be, "I will always love you, and I will never stop loving you. And remember--you do many many more things right than wrong!"

6. If your child brings up past wrongs--of herself or that you or someone else they know did--remind them gently that those things are over, forgotten, under the Blood of Jesus, and that it's only the enemy that brings them up again, just to drag us down. Tell your little ones that God says, (Isaiah 43:1819) to forget the former things; to not dwell on the past, but to see the new thing He is doing! He is the God of mercies that are new every morning, and the God of restoration and grace. Hallelujah!

7. If you child corrects your behavior, do not get offended. That child has obviously listened to you and you are hearing an echo of your own teaching! Little ears and hearts hear and receive much more than we understand sometimes--that's why it is VITAL to guard our little ones from the junk of the world as much as possible, while teaching that God created this world to be good, that there is an enemy that causes evil (but who is defeated!) and that the most exciting Person and Experience in the world is The LORD Jesus Christ!

8. If the attitude is not right, make them look you in the eye and say to them verses that the LORD gives you, put in your own words if needed, like this: "I know that whomever this is that has acted the wrong way is not MY (child's name). My (child) is a wise daughter who brings joy to her Heavenly Father and to all of us who love and lead her. MY (child) is an excellent example to the believers in speech, faith, conduct, life, and purity. so whomever this other person is better leave now and never return!"

Sometimes, if I get news I don't like from her, or my husband, or another about her wrong behavior, I will know that I need to pray first before I say anything. If we're in the car, I will tell my daughter to be quiet while I turn up the praise music and pray in the Spirit.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit will impress me to do something; sometimes He will speak through me. Sometimes I get into the flesh anyway and have to repent. That is much less than it used to be, but I am working to get to where I do not let emotions have their way, but I keep a calm, cool spirit.

Often, especially in situations where her understanding is crucial, where it is a spiritual matter or challenge, the Holy Spirit just takes over from the start. Praise God for His ministry to us and through us! There have been times I've been amazed at what comes out of my mouth--like the time that my daughter, an anointed artist already, drew a picture that had many elements--and none of them honored God!

God in me knew and brought to my mind that this was a spiritual challenge. He
spoke through me from the start and explained to her gently that none of those things were right for her, a child of His, to draw, because they were all against His Word. At the end, I took the picture and, right before her eyes, calmly tore it to pieces.

She was totally shocked; she even turned pale and didn't say a word. Nothing like this had ever happened before, because I had always praised her art, from the time she was old enough to hold a crayon and bring me "notes,"--pages of happy scribbles, sweet love words from her heart. I led her to ask God to forgive her and told her I forgave her, and reminded her that I was proud that she had and would (now) always use her gift of art for the glory of God. Then we proceeded with our day as usual. And nothing like that has or will happen again.

9. Find out all the facts before you judge a situation. I used to jump in and just start defending my daughter--till I discovered a couple times that my daughter wasn't entirely right. Either she'd forgotten part of what she did, did not admit it (usually, it was the other way; she'd tell on herself as soon as she saw me. Or she would honestly forget about an incident (put it out of her mind, like I've taught her to do and, I think, that her strong leader personality, like mine, helps her to do). So, before I get offended at the teachers or the stepmom or such, I question my daughter carefully, and still wait to talk to the others.

Perspectives and training can sometimes vastly differ among children and adults, and from one person to another. Being careful to preserve unity among the families that surround my daughter, while not cowing or bowing to any pressure from anyone just because we did not agree on how to raise my daughter, has helped. Sometimes we all go to her events, and God gets the glory. Bless His name!

10. Teach them to be free to exult in the LORD. It's OK to be loud when praising God; He loves it! (maybe "religious" people don't, but GOD does! And I am so glad that GOD is not religious! HALLELUJAH!)

11. Call them on the phone

12. Write love notes and hide them

13. Buy or make them secret surprises

14. Tell them that you love to be seen with them/show them off and introduce them

15. Let them teach you something. My daughter came home one day and showed me "cat" in sign language and got me interested. Then she taught me the signs to "Awesome God" and now I sign it and other messages of love to Him, in church, at home, while walking, or other activities.

16. Don't let them get away with talking negatively about themselves.

17. Don't let  them talk negatively about others. That is gossip and none of us are the judge.

18. Don't gossip about others to them. Make sure prayer requests are not gossip disguised as good.

19. Dedicate them to the LORD very early. You can do this just between you and your husband and the child and God at home, of course, but I felt led of the LORD to do it publicly. I chose special verses, and invited the family (some of whom had not been in church in years!), and the pastor had a special plaque and certificate made that we all signed. I also chose to do that on my first Mother's Day, when she was just three months old. It was a very special day!

20. Do special crafts with them. Kids (of all ages!) love to create. It is an enlightening, empowering experience, so let them experience it with you. My mother and daughter have created drawings together, where they both drew on the same piece of paper, and I treasure that. My daughter and I have also worked together to create stories and book ideas, and silly songs. Rewarding!

I believe even if you do some of these, that your relationship with your child(ten) will be strengthened, to the glory of God!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: WRITERS

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