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7 Jewels: Being a Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R. (Purposeful Operations With Eternal Rewards)

by Tonja Taylor  
12/28/2019 / Self Help

Every person born again into the Kingdom of God through the blood of Jesus becomes a Royal Prince or Princess at that moment! If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, here are some of the responsibilities you will have as a part of the Royal Family!

Being a Royal Prince or Princess that represents the LORD Jesus Christ--the King of kings!--is a very precious and great responsibility. There are 7 main jewels you need for your crown, and it is your job to serve others well and to polish these jewels and wear them with grace, strength, and dignity.

If you attain and polish these 7 "jewels" for your royal crown, you will indeed be a successful Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R.--Purposeful Operations With Eternal Rewards! You will bring great glory to Father God and His Son, the LORD Jesus Christ. And you will be a great Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R. as you teach other Princes and Princesses how to successfully secure these precious jewels and wear them in their crowns!


Here are the “7 Jewels”:

1. PURITY. As a Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R, you understand the difference between good and bad, and choose the good, which is clearly explained in the Royal Book--the Word of God. You dress nicely and keep yourself and your clothes and belongings and room clean, and you keep your mind clean too. You don’t listen to gossip or dirty jokes. You don’t watch or listen to rude or ungodly things. You don’t hang around people who curse or do other wrong things. Instead, you choose to watch, listen to, read, and do things that are positive, happy, excellent,things that help you.

Who do you know that is an example of a Prince or Princess of Purity?

2. PRINCIPLES. As a Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R, you live by integrity and honesty, and other godly rules for your life. You remember that you are a royal ambassador,a leader, a person of influence,and that even when it seems like no one is watching you, be assured they are aware of what you do and don’t do. So you go by standards of excellence to help others know how to live successfully. When you wisely go by the rules, you inspire others to do so by your leadership.

Who do you know that is an example of a Prince or Princess of Principles?

3. PURPOSE. As a Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R,, you know that you were created by God to have a wonderful life; to enjoy your time on earth, and to make a difference for good in the lives of others! You realize that your specific purpose has a lot to do with what you like to do and are good at doing.

Who do you know that is an example of a Prince or Princess of Purpose?

4. PEACE. As a Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R. you love others and seek to live in peace with them as much as possible. You know that you are a unique person and don’t try to be just like someone else. You also work to have peace within yourself. If something is bothering you, you talk to your parents, your teachers or principals, God, your pastors, or another adult that you trust to get guidance.

Who do you know that is an example of a Prince or Princess of Peace?

5. PLANNING. As a Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R, you know that you need a plan: goals, dreams, things you want to do and have and be, and you write them down and look at them often. You find pictures to go with the list, and think about how you are fortunate to live in America where you can achieve your desires.

Who do you know that is an example of a Prince or Princess of Planning?

6. PROSPERITY. As a Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R. you understand that true wealth is much more than money. It is being rich in relationship with those you love: God, your parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, teachers, and others. You also understand that money, and good things are blessings from God because He loves you.

Who do you know that is an example of a Prince or Princess of Prosperity?

7. POWER. As a Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R. you understand that the greatest power on earth is Love, and knows that Love is much more than just a feeling. Love is what every person wants. A true Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R. knows how to show Love with excellence, especially by using his or her influence, money, time, possessions, and words the right way and doing other things to help people. You know that written and spoken words are very powerful tools to help people understand Love, and you wield them wisely.

Who do you know that is an example of a Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R?

Even before a princess is born, she has power. It comes with her position. She is born a leader, meaning she has influence--the power to affect other people’s lives. As she matures, many, many people are watching her, and want to imitate her royal life; what she does, what she says, what she wears.

The Royal Family in England are servant leaders in many ways. Among the members, they hold patronages to over 3,000 charities. But there are many leaders in many countries, including America, in which the leaders have founded or support charities to help other people. So this is a very important part of being a Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R.

A true Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R. (Purposeful Operations With Eternal Rewards) is a servant leader. He or she exerts his or her power over people by serving them; by being an excellent example to them to inspire them to the best life, and by using his or her power to help them to do things they cannot do themselves.

Whether it is starting or supporting a charity; helping someone with a project; giving someone something the LORD tells him or her to, even if it’s something he or she really loves; sharing a kind word; praying for someone; or doing the right thing even when it’s hard (which is what “integrity” is), it is the job and privilege of a Prince or Princess of P.O.W.E.R. to wield his or her power wisely.

Following the 7 Ps will greatly help with this.

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: WRITERS

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