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Short Stories


  1. In his mother's footsteps... by Chong Shipei  
    Evan's mother was taken for her faith. Will he follow in her footsteps?

  2. Giving up my job for Him by Chong Shipei  
    A prostitute receives Jesus. What shall she do now with her life?

  3. Garden of Eden by Chong Shipei  
    What if Adam and Eve never sinned?

  4. The Sri Lankan Maid by Chong Shipei  
    Jesus is not with the church, he is with the maid.

  5. The corrupted pastor by Chong Shipei  
    Rui Zhi thought it was all right to take tithe money, and that landed him in jail...

  6. In jail for the Muslims by Chong Shipei  
    Zhi Ming loved the Muslims so much that he went to jail for them!

  7. The thief, a saint! by Chong Shipei  
    Xiao Zhu was a thief, but Jesus made her a saint!

  8. The uneducated pastor Soh by Chong Shipei  
    Ah Soh was uneducated... yet in Jesus' eyes, he was a pastor.

  9. Snow Black by Chong Shipei  
    I modify the story of snow white to reflect the love between Christ and his church.

  10. THAT LAZY CAT!: A Children's Rhyming Story by linzy bruno  
    ".....he got up and tried to run,
    but fell on his behind!...."

  11. ANGELS IN THE TREES: A Children's Rhyming Story by linzy bruno  
    This story about a child's guardian angels was written many years ago, when my youngest child started school....

  12. Psalm Something (excerpt): God Helps Us in Our Many Emotions by Tonja Taylor  
    This is an excerpt from my book, Psalm Something. If you need a word where you find a kindred spirit who experiences up-and-down emotions, read the Psalms. King David and others totally understand--and the LORD helps us in every way!

  13. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Bonus Material #2 - Jesus' Christmas Tree Presentation Outline and Poem by Tonja Taylor  
    Here is the outline I created for teaching "Jesus' Christmas Tree," including my original poem from 2009. Enjoy, and share the wealth!

  14. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Bonus Material - CHRIST-Craft: Give a Christmas Rock by Tonja Taylor  
    You can make a "Christ-Craft Rock" to give as a simple outreach tool. This includes my original poem.

  15. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 20 - Our Delight is in Our Giving by Tonja Taylor  
    In this last chapter of Book Three, Pearl is excited about the success of the rocking horse ministry, and wants to do more outreach. She and her mom and Burt discuss other options, and agree that their delight is in their giving!

  16. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 19 - Rocking Horses for Christmas by Tonja Taylor  
    Pearl and Uncle Burt start creating rocking horses to give to single moms and others in the community.

  17. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 18 - Dancing On Ice by Tonja Taylor  
    Although the visit to Xi's mom in jail did not go well, Pearl and her family encourage Xi, and help her look forward to seeing The Nutcracker performed as ballet on ice.

  18. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 17 - Xi Visits Her Mom in Jail by Tonja Taylor  
    Burt and Pearl, Robin and Risa accompany Xi to the jail to visit her mother. Xi wants to back out, but the others love on her and help her have peace about it.

  19. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 16 - Rescue Mission by Tonja Taylor  
    Pearl and the others pray, while Burt and another put out the fire and rescue the boy's mother.

  20. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 15 - Light Shines in the Darkness by Tonja Taylor  
    Pearl and some of the group drive to see Christmas lights on the houseboats at a marina in another city--and again are reminded that the LORD orders their steps and directs their paths for His name's sake.

  21. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 14 - Jesus All Year! by Tonja Taylor  
    Robert doesn't want to put up the Christmas decorations, and God inspires Pearl to ask their mother if he can keep the Nativity scene up all year.

  22. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 13 - At Ms. Sophia's house for Christmas Day by Tonja Taylor  
    The family has Christmas lunch at Ms. Sophia's, where Pearl and Robin share the real meaning of "The Twelve Days of Christmas". They also have a Christmas pinata, and rejoice in singing Christmas carols together.

  23. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 11 - Healing on Christmas Communion by Tonja Taylor  
    The Holy Spirit works powerfully during Communion on Christmas Eve at the church, and Pearl realizes He is healing Xi's heart--and more.

  24. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 10 - New Clothes by Tonja Taylor  
    Pearl helps Xi overcome disappointment an perfectionistic expectations about other people, especially in the church, and to realize that Christ wants to clothe her in royal garments.

  25. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 9 - E Pluribus Unum: Out of the Many, One by Tonja Taylor  
    Pearl persuades a sleepy Xi to go to the homeschool party, where she encourages her friend Jewel, who can't wait to tell her a big secret.

  26. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 8 - God Does the Heavy Lifting by Tonja Taylor  
    Pearl and her family give care packages and more at a local nursing home. There, they all learn more about the Love of God.

  27. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 7 - The Crowning Piece by Tonja Taylor  
    Pearl sees the Lord working healing in Xi's heart, as Xi helps with the outreach at a local nursing home.

  28. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 6 - Divine Appointment: The Gift of Blessing Others by Tonja Taylor  
    Pearl and her family have a divine appointment when they go to the city to shop for Ms. Sophia's new tree topper.

  29. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 5 - The Gift of Truth by Tonja Taylor  
    With Pearl and Robert's help, Xi gets more insight about what is really important in life, and is reminded how the LORD rescued her from thugs.

  30. P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 4 - Ready to Shop by Tonja Taylor  
    On the way to shop, Robert is loving being with Ms. Sophia, and Xi learns more surprising truths from Pearl and her family.


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