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  1. The New Wealth Transfer For The People Of God by lareina morgan  
    prophecy about the next Great Transfer of wealth to the people of God

  2. THE CONVERGENCE OF EVENTS THAT WILL USHER IN THE RAPTURE And A New Ominous Period of Time by linzy bruno  
    --Nations getting into place for war

  3. SHAKING THE IDOLATRY TREE by linzy bruno  
    "You shall have no other gods before Me." (Exodus 20:3a)

  4. Perilous Times by Rochelle Arnold  
    In the last days the Bible says that there will be wars and rumors of wars, âMenâs hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken,â When you hear of wars and disturbances [civil unrest, revolts, uprisings], do not panic; for these things must take place first, but the end will not come immediately.â (Luke 21:26 Amplified)

  5. PREPARING TO MEET THE LORD! by linzy bruno  
    "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1Thessalonians 5:1-23)

  6. What Happens When You Believe You Have The Right To Change God's Word? by lareina morgan  
    How little do the elites of the world really know about The Hand Of God? They will find out very soon; Do not add or substract from God's word, you are fighting a war against God that you will soon lose...

  7. What Does God Do When He Sees Evil Men Strive Against Him? by lareina morgan  
    These are the days of prophecy - what will God do to those who strive against Him, who do bad things against His word and His people? A warning for those who believe that the fight against God and win...

  8. Reach for the Safety of The Lord by lareina morgan  
    A word spoken to me by the Lord - Have faith in Jesus Christ no matter what happens in the world

  9. Into The Net That The Nations Have Dug... by lareina morgan  
    Why are all the nations of the earth plotting to destroy israel? Why is this the one place in all the earth that many people are trying to destroy? could there be a spiritual element to the conflicts in the world? To find the answer, we must consult the Lord....

  10. PALE HORSE OF DEATH - ALREADY? by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    The PALE HORSE of the Bible represents DEATH to much of mankind. This next Biblical ERA might have arrived with the advent of this present âPandemicâ. I hope not, but there it is.
    I fear, we all might have entered the era of the Sixth Trumpet of Revelation, Look it up in the Bible.

  11. The Last Generation? by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    All international airlines insist on face masks and Covid testing of all passengers, those vaccinated and non-vaccinated. Obviously, vaccination does not confer any immunity. The devils are desperately trying to hide the facts, that the vaxed are getting desperately sick, not the non-vaxed.

    ".....not allowing anything outside their narrative to be made public;
    using the excuse of misinformation as a danger......"

  13. DANIELS TOES Next, in Prophecy? by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    Consider what GOD already predicted, âTHEY SHALL MINGLE THEMSELVES WITH THE SEED OF MANâ. Something non-human--- will mingle itself with human seed. The non-human part will be as different from man as iron is from clay.

  14. THE EDGE OF TIME, AS WE KNOW IT by linzy bruno  
    "....We live in a time in which God showers His Grace on the earth in ways we don't even pay attention to, but when He takes His Hand off....."

  15. ATTENTION PROPHECY WATCHERS! by linzy bruno  
    Censorship has arrived. Christian persecution is on the rise....

  16. Materializing Demons Raping Women? by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    Whatâs Due Now, in Prophecy?
    The most interesting part of it is DANIELS PREDICTION OF THE LAST KINGDOM OF THE TEN TOES, the last kingdom revealed to Nebuchadnezzar.
    A Kingdom of Materializing Demons.
    Consider what GOD already predicted, âTHEY SHALL MINGLE THEMSELVES WITH THE SEED OF MANâ. Something non-human--- will mingle itself with human seed. The non-human part will be as different from man as iron is from clay.

  17. DOCTRINES OF FEAR & HATRED by linzy bruno  
    "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?" Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 22:36-40)

  18. This is the Time of Your Vindication by Jacqueline Julyan  
    All that is covered shall be revealed and all that has been hidden secretly shall be exposed. I am the LORD and those who solely put their trust in the LORD with their whole heart shall fear not.

  19. Walk With Me by Jacqueline Julyan  
    Do not fear those things others fear for they fear them because they do not know Me, neither do they truly seek Me with all of their heart. My refinerâs fire is here My children, so I say to you surrender all unto Me and lay down your own life today for Me, Jesus and for My Gospel. Do not be deceived but keep in step with the fruit of repentance and remain humble before your God this day

  20. CHRIST JESUS, WHAT YOU DONâT KNOW by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    Is that important? Father God said, that ââWhosoever beliveth on HIM shall not perish, but have everlasting lifeâ John 3:16. That means BELIEVING WHO Christ Jesus IS, why He came, and what He says. The belief in Christ Jesus is your ONLY CHANCE OF SALVATION. How important is that?

  21. BE AWAKE, NOT WOKE! by linzy bruno  
    The 'woke' movement is the devil's counterfeit!

  22. Immanuel, God is with us by Jacqueline Julyan  
    I am faithful My children, I the LORD do not change, I am the Rock Eternal and My Word is established in the heavens.

  23. BE A PART OF WE, NOT THEY by linzy bruno  
    As revealed in Scripture......

  24. Revelations and Explanations (Rewritten) by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    The Revelation contains a great complex of events, names and happenings, certain to pass, but embroidered with archaic symbolism and nomenclature. This requires much explanation.
    God Himself reveals an enormous, gigantic panorama of future events, many of which are already at the door.
    This commentary, previously published, is now rewritten, to achieve better completeness and clarity. The Word of God is infallible. This commentary is not.

    The rich and elite have tried for centuries to bring together the whole world as one. Satan is at the helm, but will they every succeed?

  26. Making Sense of REVELATIONS â" a Summery, Guide and Explanations. by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    Making Sense of REVELATIONS â" a Summery, a Guide and Explanations.
    End of the world only means an end of Satanâs reign. Six Thousand years under Satan, then One Thousand years under Christ Jesus, with the entire intelligent creation looking on, to see the difference. The whole Bible divides by seven.
    The APOCALYPSE (taught as Revelation) is part of the JUST JUDGMENT against Satan, his children and his people. Even this late, the events are slow, giving (I think) a chance to repent.
    This writing is an attempt to clarify many concepts and events of the Apocalypse, and to provide some semblance of chronological sequence.

  27. GOD IS IN CONTROL! by linzy bruno  
    "......A short, but poignant message to the body of Christ...."


  28. RAPTURE ANYTIME IS TRUE by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    Today, as the second coming of Christ is clearly approaching, again there are strong differences implicit within the same prophecy. Two different events, if you please. One is for His church (âwedding feastâ, SUDDEN â"quickly-, UNEXPECTED); the other coming is for Judgment (ANNOUNCED and SLOW). This coming is for the uttermost destruction of Satan's rule and Satan's people, globally.
    Observe the parable of the Ten Virgins.
    When is the SUDDEN coming of Yahushua most probable?

  29. AFTER THE RAPTURE by linzy bruno  
    ".......Your life won't be the same and there will be extraordinary challenges and new dangers you may have no knowledge of, but it's not........"

    "....... eternally-minded; more interested in our citizenship in Heaven, than our lives here on earth, which certainly qualifies as spiritual growth and is pleasing to our Lord Jesus!......"


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